Lecture Notes

1 Theory of impartial games

Course notes (PDF)

Slides (PDF)

Handouts (PDF)

2 Surreal numbers

Course notes (PDF)

Slides (PDF)

3 Dynamic programming with impartial games Course notes (PDF)
4 AI and game search

Course notes (PDF)

Slides (PDF)

5 Connect Four and additional AI topics

Course notes (PDF)

Slides (PDF)

Reading: Allis, Victor. "A Knowledge-Based Approach of Connect-Four: The Game is Solved: White Wins." Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Master's Thesis, October 1998. (This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.PDF)

6 Rubik's Cube and group theory

Course notes (PDF)

Slides (PDF)

7 Probability topics and Monopoly Course notes (PDF)
8 Games on graphs No course notes or slides available
9 Blackjack/poker-guest lecture Slides (PDF)
10 Game of Life Slides (PDF)
11 NP-completeness Slides (PDF)
12 Constraint logic Slides (PDF - 2.1MB)

Dots and boxes

Project presentations

No course notes or slides available