
The calendar below provides information on course's lecture (L) and recitation (R) sessions.

HH stands for Hodgkin-Huxley, as in the Hodgkin-Huxley Model.

ses # Topics key dates
L1 Introduction to Cellular Transport Homework 1 out
R1 Review of Differential Equations
L2 Macroscopic and Microscopic Laws of Diffusion
L3 Continuity and Diffusion Equations
R2 Diffusion
L4 Diffusion in Cells: Models
R3 Diffusion (cont.) Homework 2 out

Homework 1 due
L5 Diffusion in Cells: Experiments
L6 Osmosis: van Hoff's Law
R4 Diffusion and Osmosis
L7 Osmosis in Cells: Equilibrium
R5 Osmosis Homework 3 out

Homework 2 due
L8 Chemical Transport Project proposal due
L9 Four-State Symmetric Carrier Model
R6 Osmosis and Carrier Mediated Transport
L10 Carrier Models
R7 4-State Model Homework 3 due
L11 Glucose Regulation
L12 Ion Transport: Nernst-Planck Equation
R8 Carrier Models
L13 Writing a Laboratory Report
Exam 1
L14 Ion Transport: Models Homework 4 out
R9 Ions
L15 Ion Transport Models (cont.)
R10 Ions (cont.) Homework 5 out

Homework 4 due
L16 Active Transport First draft due
L17 Electrical Properties of Cells
Writing Clinic
L18 Core Conductor Model of Large Cells
R11 Core Conductor Homework 6 out

Homework 5 due
L19 Core Conductor
L20 HH: Space Clamp Project report due
R12 Core Conductor (cont.)
L21 HH: Voltage Clamp
R13 Core Conductor (cont.) Homework 6 due
L22 HH: Current Clamp
L23 Demo: HH Project
R14 HH Elec Classroom Project proposal due
L24 HH Project
Exam 2
L25 HH: Threshold
L26 Cable Model Homework 7 out
R15 HH Elec Classroom (cont.)
L27 Cable Model (cont.)
L28 Writing an Oral Presentation
L29 Myelinated Fibers
R16 Cable Model
L30 Saltatory Conduction
R17 Saltatory Conduction Homework 8 out

Homework 7 due
L31 Patch Clamp First draft due
L32 Ion Channels: 2-State Models
HH Dry Runs
L33 Ion Channels: 4 Gate Model
L34 Ion Channels: Gating Currents
R18 Ion Channels HH oral reports 1 day after recitation 18
R19 Ion Channels (cont.) Homework 9 out

Homework 8 due

HH oral reports 1 day after recitation 19
L35 Ion Channels Multi-State Models
R20 Ion Channels (cont.)
L36 Breakfast with the Staff
R21 Ion Channels (cont.) Homework 9 due (optional assignment)
Final Exam Period