Portuguese II

Photo of a beach with tall city buildings in the background.

Photo of Praia do Farol da Barra in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. (Image courtesy of Dr. Nilma Dominique.)


MIT Course Number

21F.802 / 21F.852

As Taught In

Spring 2012


Undergraduate / Graduate

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Course Features

Course Description

This course is a continuation of 21F.801. It focuses on expanding communication skills and further development of linguistic competency using a variety of authentic sources, such as the Internet, audio, video, and printed materials, to help develop cultural awareness and linguistic proficiency. This course is conducted entirely in Portuguese.

Dominique, Nilma. 21F.802 Portuguese II, Spring 2012. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/foreign-languages-and-literatures/21f-802-portuguese-ii-spring-2012 (Accessed). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

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