Course Bibliography
Lec # | Topics |
1 | Winston, P. "Why I am Optimistic." |
2 | Turing, A. M. "Computing Machinery and Intelligence." MIND (October 1950). |
3 | Minsky, M. "Steps toward Artificial Intelligence." |
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5 | Brooks, R. A. "Intelligence without representation." Artificial Intelligence (1991): 139-159. Elsevier. |
6 | Feldman, J. A., and D. H. Ballard. "Connectionist models and their properties." Cognitive Science (1982): 205- 254. |
7 | Marr, D. "Artificial Intelligence-a personal view." MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Paper, March 1976. |
8 | Minsky, M. "K-lines: A Theory of Memory." MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Paper, June 1979. |
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10 | Rao, S. "Visual Routines and Attention." Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 1998. |
11 | Kirby, S., "Language Evolution without Natural Selection." Edinburgh Occasional Papers in Linguistics (April 1998). |
12 | Borchardt, G. "Causal Reconstruction." MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Memo No. 1403, February 1993. |
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14 | Yip, K., and G. J. Sussman. "Sparse Representations for Fast, One-Shot Learning." MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Paper, November 1997. |
15 | Guha, R., and D. Lenat. "Enabling Agents to Work Together." Communications of the ACM (July 1994): 127- 142. |
16 | Spelke, E., P. Vishton, and C. Von Hofsten. "Object Perception, Object-directed Action, and Physical Knowledge in Infancy." Chapter 10 in Neural and Psychological Development. |
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Vaina, L., and R. D. Greenblatt. "The Use of Thread Memory in Amnesia Aphasia and Concept Learning." MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Working Paper 195, 1979. Sutherland, I. "Technology and Courage." Perspectives, Sun MicroSystems, April 1996. |
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Geiger, G., J. Y. Lettvin, and O. Zegarra-Moran."Task-determined strategies of visual process." Cognitive Brain Research (1992): 39-52. Elsevier. Bizzi, E., F. A. Mussa-Ivaldi, and S. Giszter. "Computations Underlying the Execution of Movement: A Biological Perspective." |
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Hermer-Vazquez, L., E. Spelke, and A. S. Katsnelson. "Sources of flexibility in human cognition: dual-task studies of space and language." Cognitive Psychology (1999): 3-36. Wilson, M. A., and B. L. McNaughton. "Reactivation of Hippocampal Ensemble Memories During Sleep." Science (July 1994): 676-679. |
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Sur, M., S. L. Pallas, and A. W. Roe. "Cross-modal plasticity in cortical development: differentiation and specification sensory cortex." Trends in Neurosciences (June 1990): 227-233. Elsevier. Von Melchner, L., S. L. Pallas, and M. Sur. "Visual behavior mediated by retinal projections directed to the auditory pathway." Nature (April 2000): 871-876. MacMillan Magazines. |
22 | Lettvin, J. Y., H. R. Maturana, W. S. McCulloch, and W. H. Pitts. "What the Frog's Eye Tells the Frog's Brain." Chapter 7 in The Mind: Biological Approaches to Its Functions. Edited by W. C. Corning and M. Balaban. 1968, pp. 233-258. |
23 | Yuret, D. "Lexical Attraction Models of Language." MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Paper. |
24 | Gentner, D., and A. B. Markman. "Structure Mapping in Analogy and Similarity." American Psychologist (January 1997): 45-56. American Psychological Association. |
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27 | Boroditsky, L. "Metaphoric structuring: understanding time through spatial metaphors." Cognition (2000): 1-28. Elsevier. |
28 | Bowerman, M., and S. Choi. "Shaping meanings for language: universal and language-specific in the acquistion of spatial semantic categories." |