- Nasa Natural Hazards
- US Geological Survey
- National Geophysical Data Center
- USGS Real-time Hazards Page
- Spatial Patterns of Natural Hazard mortality in the United States (
PDF - 2.5MB)
- National Earthquake Information Center - NEIC
- USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
- NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
- California Earthquake Authority - CEA
- Killer Quake!
- Navy Hurricane Monitoring page
- Divine Wind Web site
- Frequently asked questions about Hurricanes
- Hurricane Hunters
- Tropical Cyclone Forecasts
Tornadoes and severe weather
- Storm Prediction Center
- Tornado - Frequently asked questions
- NOVA-Hunt for the Supertwister
- Fujita Tornado Intensity Ranking Scale
- Tornado simulations
- Gopen, George D., and Judith A. Swan. "The Science of Scientific Writing." American Scientist 78 (1990): 550-558.
- Debating the Science Debate
- Arguing with Certainty