1 | Radon and Radiation Physics Review |
Brenner, D. J., and R. K. Sachs. "Domestic Radon Risks may be Dominated by Bystander Effects - But the Risks Unlikely to be Greater than we Thought." Health Physics 85, no. 1 (2003): 103-108. Cavallo, A., A. Hutter, and P. Shebell. "Radon Progeny Unattached Fraction in an Atmosphere Far from Radioactive Equilibrium." Health Physics 76, no. 5 (May 1999): 532-536. Kristof, J. W., A. Hanna, and J. Hadjinicolaou. "Soil Gases and Building Foundations." International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications 30, no. 1 (2005): 69-80. Special Issue. Kovler, K. "Radon Exhalation of Hardening Concrete: Monitoring Cement Hydration and Prediction of Radon Concentration in Construction Site." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 6, no. 3 (2006): 354-366. Leonard, B. "Radioisotope Deposition on Interior Building Surfaces: Air Flow and Surface Roughness Influences." Nuclear Technology 152, no. 3 (December 2005): 339-353. Lopez, F. O., and A. C. Canoba. "Passive Method for the Determination of the Equilibrium Factor Between 222 Rn Gas and its Short Period Progeny." .Journal of Radioanal and Nucl Chem 258, no. 2 (November 2003): 269-74. Nielson, K. K., R. B. Holt, and V. C. Rogers. "Site-specific Characterization of Soil Radon Potentials." Project Summary. Cincinnati, OH: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, 1996. [Electronic resource] (PDF)# Rabi, J. A., and N. C. Da Silva. "Radon Exhalation from Phosphogypsum Building Boards: Symmetry Constraints, Impermeable Boundary Conditions and Numerical Simulation of a Test Case." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 86, no. 2 (2006): 164-175. Sciocchetti, G., G. Cotellessa, E. Soldano, and M. Pagliari. "A New Technique for Measuring Radon Exposure at Working Places." Radiation Measurements 36, nos. 1-6 (September 2003): 199-203. Tokonami, S., H. Takahashi, Y. Kobayashi, W. Zhuo, and E. Hulber. "Up-to-date Radon-thoron Discriminative Detector for a Large Scale Survey." Review of Scientific Instruments 76, no. 11 (2005): 113505.
2 | Radon and Geology |
Baixeras, C., Bach, K. Amgarou, and V. Moreno. "Radon Levels in the Volcanic Region of La Garrotxa, Spain." Radiation Measurements 40, nos. 2-6 (November 2005): 509-12. Clamp, G. E., and J. Pritchard. "Investigation of Fault Position and Sources of Radon by Measurements of U-238 Decay Series Radionuclide Activity in Soil Samples." Environmental Geochemistry in Health 20 (1998): 39-44. Kenski, J., R. Klingel, H. Schneiders, A. Siehl, and J. Wiegand. "Geological Structure and Geochemistry Controlling Radon in Soil Gas." Radiation Protection Dosimetry 45, no. 1/4 (1992): 235-239.
Nazaroff, W. W. "Radon Transport from Soil to Air." Reviews of Geophysics 30, no. 2 (1992): 137-160. Otton, J. K., L. C. S. Gundersen, and R. R. Schumann. The Geology of Radon, Radon in Earth, Air, and Water. Segovia, N., M. A. Armienta, C. Valdes, M. Mena, J. L. Seidel, M. Monnin, P. Pena, M. B. E. Lopez, and A. V. Reyes. "Volcanic Monitoring for Radon and Chemical Species in the Soil and in Spring Water Samples." Radiation Measurements 36, nos. 1-6 (September 2003): 379-83. Winkler R., F. Ruckerbauer, and K. Bunzl. "Radon Concentration in Soil Gas: A Comparison of the Variability Resulting from Different Methods, Spatial Heterogeneity and Seasonal Fluctuations." Sci Total Environ 72, nos. 1-3 (May 14, 2001): 273-82. |
3 | Radon and Radiation Biology |
Brenner, D. J., and O. G. Raabe. "Is the Linear No-threshold Hypothesis Appropriate in Radiation Protection Radiation." Protection Dosimetry 97, no. 3 (2001): 270-285. Cohen, B. L. "Test of the Linear-No Threshold Theory of Radiation Carcinogenisis of Inhaled Radon Decay Products." Health Physics 68 (1995): 157-174. Evans, R. D. "Radium in Man." Health Physics 27 (1974): 497-519. Grosswendt, B. "Nano Dosimetry, the Metrological Tool for Connecting Radiation Physics with Radiation Biology." Radiat Prot Dosimetry (December 14, 2006). Luckey, T. D. Radiation Hormesis. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1991. Jaworowski, Z. "Beneficial Radiation." Nukleonika 40 (1995): 3-12. Pollycove M., and L. E. Feinendegen. "Molecular Biology, Epidemiology, and the Demise of the Linear No-threshold (LNT) Hypothesis." Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 3, Sciences de la vie (C. r. Acad. sci., Sér. 3, Sci. vie) 322, nos. 2-3 (1999): 197-204. Prise, K. M. "New Advances in Radiation Biology." Occupational Medicine 56, no. 3 (2006): 156-161.
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4 | Radon Research In Medicine |
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5 | Student Presentation - Radon Research in Radiation Health Physics and Planetary Science; Summary - Lab Demonstration |
Duenas, C., M. C. Fernandez, and S. Canete. "Rn Concentrations and the Radiation Exposure Levels in the Nerja Cave." Radiation Measurements 40, nos. 2-6 (November 2005): 630-2. Espinosa, G., J. I. Golzarri, T. Martinez, M. Navarrete, J. Bogard, G. Martinez, and F. Juarez. "Indoor 220 Rn and 222Rn Concentration Measurements Inside the Teotihuacan Pyramids Using NTD and E-PERM Methodologies." Radiation Measurements 40, nos. 2-6 (November 2005): 646-9. Gillmore, G. K., P. S. Phillips, A. R. Denman, and D. D. Gilbertson. "Radon in the Creswell Crags Permian Limestone Caves." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 62, no. 2 (2002): 165-179. Gorenstein, P., L. Golub, and P. Bjorkholm. "Radon Emanation from the Moon, Spatial and Temporal Variability." Earth, Moon, and Planets 9, nos. 1-2 (March 1974): 129-140. Ila., P, and P. Jagam. "In Situ Airborne Radon Monitoring for Standards Compliance with OSHA-NRC-EPA." American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST). International Radon Symposium, Kansas City, Mo, U.S.A. (September 18-20, 2006). Lario, J., S. Sanchez-Moral, J. C. Canaveras, S. Cuezva, and V. Soler. "Radon Continuous Monitoring in Altamira Cave (northern Spain) to Assess User's Annual Effective Dose." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 80, no. 2 (2005): 161-74. Leela, P., P. Jagam, P. Neelaprasad, and P. Ila. "The Economics of Radon as a Public Health Hazard." Abstract No: 109, pp. 226., "International Conference on Radiation Biology and 5th LOWRAD (Low Radiation)," "International Conference on LOW Dose Radiation Effects on Human Health." (November 20-22, 2006.) Indian Journal of Radiation Research 3, no. 4 (2006): 226. Leung, J. K. C., M. Y. W. Tso, and C. W. Ho. "Behavior of 222 Rn and its Progeny in High-rise Buildings." Health Physics 75, no. 3 (September 1998): 303-12. ———. "Radon Action Level for High-rise Buildings." Health Physics 76, no. 5 (1999): 537-543. Li, K. Y. K., and A. T. Chan. "Management of Radon in Tunnel Drilling." J Constr Engrg and Mgmt 130, no. 5 (September/October 2004): 699-707. Meslin, P.-Y., J.-C. Sabroux, L. Berger, J.-F. Pineau, and E. Chassefière. "Evidence of 210Po on Martian Dust at Meridiani Planum." Journal of Geophysical Research Planets 111 (2006): E9 and E09012. Neelaprasad, P.; Jagam, P.; Momcilovic, B.; Ila, P.; G.I. Lykken, G. I.; Leela, P. "Environmental Radon as a Source of Internal Alpha Radiation." Abstract No: 110 p 226. International Conference on Radiation Biology and 5th LOWRAD (Low Radiation), International Conference on LOW Dose radiation effects on Human Health, November 20 - 22, 2006. Indian Journal of Radiation research 3(4): 226; 2006. Papachristodoulou, C. A., K. G. Ioannides, K. C. Stamoulis, D. L. Patiris, and S. B. Pavlides. "Radon Activity Levels and Effective Doses in the Perama Cave." Health Physics (Greece) 86, no. 6 (2004): 619-624. Sperrin, Malcolm, Tony Denman, and Paul S. Phillips. "Estimating the Dose from Radon to Recreational Cave Users in the Mendips." UK Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 49, no. 2 (2000): 235-240. Cheng, Yung-Sung, and Chuan-Jong Tung. "Dose Assessment in the Carlsbad Caverns." Nuclear Science Journal (Taiwan) 37, no. 5 (2000): 372-9. |