Session 1
List/locate Uranium, Thorium and Actinium Series in the Periodic Table.
- Explain the significance of these decay chains.
- Identify Radon, Thoron and Actinon isotopes.
- Reference: Handbook of Silicate Rock Analysis by Phil Pott.
- List all the isotopes of Radon and their half-lifes.
- Browse and list some radon publications from the Web site.
- Study and comment on the radon potential of Texas, U.S.A.
Session 2
Current radon research in building and building materials:
- Do literature survey, read and write briefly on:
- Radon dose from ceramic tiles
- Radon dose from clay bricks
- Radon emanation of building material
- Radon transport and the effect of moisture in concrete
Session 3
Study and provide salient features of:
- BEIR IV Report - Executive Summary
- BEIR VI Report - Executive Summary
Session 4
Write brief reports on health effects of radon from studies in:
- Geology
- Health Physics
- Medicine