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Eisenman, Peter. "Post-Functionalism." In Architecture Theory Since 1968. Edited by K. Michael Hays. MIT Press, 1998, pp. 234–9. ISBN: 9780262082617. Rowe, Colin. "Program versus Paradigm: Otherwise Casual Notes on the Pragmatic, the Typical and the Possible." In As I Was Saying: Recollections and Miscellaneous Essays: Texas, Pre-Texas, Cambridge. MIT Press, 1995, pp. 36–42. ISBN: 9780262181723. Vidler, Anthony. "Toward a Theory of the Architectural Program." (PDF) October 106, no. 1 (2003): 59–74. Koolhaas, Rem, and Bernard Tschumi. "2 Architects, 10 Questions on Program." (PDF - 2.5MB) Praxis 8 (2007): 6–15.
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Delanda, Manuel. "Deleuze, Diagrams and the Genesis of Form." ANY 23 (1998): 30–4. McMorrough, John. "Notes on the Adaptive Re-Use of Program." (PDF - 4.4MB) Praxis 8 (2006). Summerson, John. "The Case for a Theory of Modern Architecture." RIBA Journal (1957): 307–10. Banham, Reyner. "Architecture After 1960." Architectural Review 127 (1960).
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Silvetti, Jorge. "The Muses are not Amused, Pandemonium in the House of Architecture." Harvard Design Magazine 19, Fall 2003/Winter 2004, 22–33. Kwinter, Sanford. "Concepts: The Architecture of Hope." (PDF) Harvard Design Magazine 19, Fall 2003/Winter 2004, 1–4. Wigley, Mark. "The Architecture of Atmosphere." Daidalos 68 (1998): 18–27. Van Berkel, Ben, and Caroline Bos. "The New Concept of the Architect." In MOVE. Goose Press, 1999, pp. 27–33. ISBN: 9789076517018.
Recommended |
Kipnis, Jeffrey. "The Cunning of Cosmetics." El Croquis 84 (1997): 22–8. Finley, Dawn, and Mark Wamble. "The Rest of the World Exists." In Perspecta 34. MIT Press, 2003, pp. 128. ISBN:9780262523394. Arch + 188 (July 2008).
Peruse |
Van Berkel, Ben, and Caroline Bos. "Diagram Work." ANY 23 (1998). Van Berkel, Ben, and Caroline Bos. "The New Concept of the Architect." In MOVE. Goose Press, 1999, pp. 27–33. ISBN: 9789076517018. Kipnis, Jeff, Sanford Kwinter, et al. Mood River. The Wexner Center for the Arts, 2002. ISBN: 9781881390305. Migayrou, Fredric, Beatrice Simmonot, and Marie-Ange Brayer, eds. Archilab: Radical Experiments in Global Architecture. Thames and Hudson, 2001. ISBN: 9780500283127.