A brilliant night-time photo of Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias in Valencia, Spain, featuring L'Hemisfèric (front right), El Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía (rear center), and El Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe (left). (Photo courtesy of marcp_dmoz on Flickr.)
Featured Courses
The Department of Architecture, established in 1865, is the oldest architecture department in the United States and is consistently ranked as one of the top programs in the U.S.
It is a place where the individual creativity of a student can be cultivated and nurtured in a framework that is humanistically, socially, and environmentally responsible.
The Department offers degree programs in the areas of Architectural Design, Building Technology, Design Technology, History, Theory and Criticism and the Visual Arts. Other opportunities for study within the department are also available through the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture.
Notable strengths of the department that cut across the discipline groups are our devoted teaching, the grounding of architecture in both social and material issues, interdisciplinary nature, and the remarkable internationalism of faculty, students, teaching and research.
The Course 4 Undergraduate Architecture Program
This video is from MIT Architecture on YouTube and is not provided under our Creative Commons license.
Architecture Courses
Archived Architecture Courses
Some prior versions of courses listed above have been archived in OCW's DSpace@MIT repository for long-term access and preservation. Links to archived prior versions of a course may be found on that course's "Other Versions" tab.
Additionally, the Archived Architecture Courses page has links to every archived course from this department.