
The designing mediums include sketch modeling, sketching, making of full size pieces of the building, and the drawing methods used in previous semesters. In addition, there will be work done in digital programs, such as Photoshop and PowerPoint, programs that can be useful in explaining designs. (Examples of completed assignments can be seen in the projects section.)

Course Assignments Overview

Examples of student work are included in the assignments. The student work is courtesy of Joyce Wang, Sarah Shin, Stephanie Hsu, Eulalia Massague, and Phillip Kelleher. All work is used with permission.

ASSN # Topics Files
1 Clues and References (PDF)
2 Making a Design (PDF)
3 North End Quarry Community in the Sky (PDF)
4 North End Quarry Community in the Sky (PDF)
5 North End Quarry Community in the Sky (PDF)
6 Making a Community Place - Clues, Attitude and Program (PDF)
6a Making a Community Place (PDF)
7 First pass at Design (PDF)
8 A Building Design (PDF)
9 Developing the Design (PDF)
10 Detailing a Chunk (PDF)
11 Putting it All Together (PDF)