I: Understanding urbanization and development in past and present | ||
1 | Introduction: stock-taking and outlook |
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2 | Urbanization and development in historical analysis: links and ruptures |
Blockmans, Wim P. "Reshaping Cities - The Staging of Political Transformation." Journal of Urban History 30, no. 1 (2003): 7-20. Davis, Diane E. "Cities in Global Context: a Brief Intellectual History." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 29, no. 1 (2005): 92-109. Glaeser, Edward L., and Alberto F. Ades. "Trade and Circuses: Explaining Urban Giants." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 110, no. 1 (1995): 195-227.
3 | Exploring ideologies: competing views of urbanization and development |
Harvey, David. "The Right to the City." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 27, no. 4 (2003): 939-941.
Slater, Dennis. "Political Economy of Urbanization in Peripheral Capitalistic Societies." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2, no. 1 (1978): 26-52. |
II: Regional perspectives on urbanization and development | ||
4 | Urbanization and development in Central and South America |
Basiago, Andrew D. "Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability in Development Theory and Urban Planning Practice." The Environmentalist 19, no. 2 (1998): 145-161. Davis, Diane E. "The Social Construction of Mexico City: Political Conflict and Urban Development, 1950-1966." Journal of Urban History 24, no. 3 (1998): 364-415. Libertun de Duren, Nora. "Planning à la Carte: The Location Patterns of Gated Communities around Buenos Aires in a Decentralized Planning Context." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 30, no. 2 (2006): 308-327. Rodgers, Dennis W. "A Symptom called Managua." New Left Review 49 (2008): 103-120. |
5 | Urbanization and development in Asia-Pacific |
Beall, Jo. "Globalization and Social Exclusion in Cities: Framing the Debate with Lessons from Africa and Asia." Environment and Urbanization 14, no. 1 (2002): 41-51. Chu, Yin-wah. "Deconstructing the Global City: Unravelling the Linkages that Underlie Hong Kong's World City Status." Urban Studies 45, no. 8 (2008): 1625-1646. Hessler, Peter. "The Wonder Years: Boom Times in a Chinese Village." The New Yorker, March 31, 2008, pp. 68-76.
Xu, Jiang, and Anthony G.O. Yeh. "City Repositioning and Competitiveness Building in Regional Development: New Development Strategies in Guangzhou, China." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 29, no. 2 (2005): 283-308. |
6 | Urbanization and development in the Middle East and North Africa |
Hasson, Shlomo. "Territories and Identities in Jerusalem." GeoJournal 53, no. 3 (2001): 311-322. Nagel, C. R. "Reconstructing Space, Re-creating Memory: Sectarian Politics and Urban Development in Post-war Beirut." Political Geography 21, no. 5 (2002): 717-725.
7 | Urbanization and development in Sub-Saharan Africa |
Crankshaw, Owen. "Race, Space and the Post-Fordist Spatial Order of Johannesburg." Urban Studies 45, no. 8 (2008): 1692-1711.
Watson, Vanessa. "The Usefulness of Normative Planning Theories in the Context of Sub-Saharan Africa." Planning Theory 1, no. 1 (2002): 27-52. |
III: Urbanization and development: selected policy challenges | ||
8 | Urban informality: the shifting locus of poverty |
Davis, Mike. "Planet of Slums: Urban Involution and the Informal Proletariat." New Left Review 26 (2004): 5-36. ( Simone, AbdouMaliq. "Pirate Towns: Reworking Social and Symbolic Infrastructures in Johannesburg and Douala." Urban Studies 43, no. 2 (2006): 357-370.
9 | The power of place: environmental sustainability and urban health |
Binns, J. A., R. A. Maconachie, and A. I. Tanko. "Water, Land and Health in Urban and Peri-urban Food Production: the Case of Kano, Nigeria." Land Degradation & Development 14, no. 5 (2003): 431-444. Cattell, Vicky. "Poor People, Poor Places, and Poor Health: the Mediating Role of Social Networks and Social Capital." Social Science & Medicine 52, no. 10 (2001): 1501-1516. Harpham, Trudy. "Urban Health in Developing Countries: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go?" Health & Place 15, no. 1 (2009): 107-116. McFarlane, Colin. "Governing the Contaminated City: Infrastructure and Sanitation in Colonial and Post-colonial Bombay." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 32, no. 2 (2008): 415-435. Rodwin, Victor G., and Leland G. Neuberg. "Infant Mortality and Income in 4 World Cities: New York, London, Paris, and Tokyo." American Journal of Public Health 95, no. 1 (2005): 86-90. Roth, Matthias. "Review of Urban Climate Research in (Sub)Tropical Regions." International Journal of Climatology 27, no. 14 (2007): 1859-1873. |
10 | Violence in cities: the limits of community and the reign of terror |
Abrahamsen, Rita, and Michael C. Williams. "Securing the City: Private Security Companies and Non-State Authority in Global Governance." International Relations 21, no. 2 (2007): 237-253. Beall, Jo. "Policy Arena: Cities, Terrorism and Development." Journal of International Development 18, no. 1 (2006): 105-120. Bienen, Henry. "Urbanization and Third World Stability." World Development 12, no. 7 (1984): 661-691. Bollens, Scott A. "Urban Planning and Peacebuilding." Progress in Planning 66, no. 2 (2006): 67-139. Esser, Daniel E. "The City as Arena, Hub and Prey - Patterns of Violence in Kabul and Karachi." Environment and Urbanization 16, no. 2 (2004): 31-38. Rodgers, Dennis. "Slum Wars of the 21st Century: the New Geography of Conflict in Central America." CSRC Working Papers 2, no. 10. London, UK: Crisis States Research Centre, 2007. |
11 | Governing developing cities: structure and agency in local governance |
Harvey, David. "From Managerialism to Entrepreneurialism: the Transformation in Urban Governance in Late Capitalism." Geografiska Annaler 71B, no. 1 (1989): 3-17.
Kantor, Paul, H.V. Savitch, and Serena Vicari Haddock. "The Political Economy of Urban Regimes: A Comparative Perspective." Urban Affairs Review 32, no. 3 (1997): 348-377. Moe, Terry M. "Power and Political Institutions." Perspectives on Politics 3, no. 2 (2005): 215-233. |
IV: Critical analyses of urbanization and development | ||
12 | The 'glocal' politics of urban development: harmony and havoc |
Esser, Daniel E. "Metropolitan Growth and Security in Asia-Pacific: Correcting the Dislocation of Public Policy." Paper presented at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Toronto, ON, September 4, 2009. Marcus, Anthony, and Sulikah Asmorowati. "Urban Poverty and the Rural Development Bias: Some Notes from Indonesia." Journal of Developing Societies 22, no. 2 (2006): 145-168. Hoyman, Michele, and Christopher Faricy. "It Takes a Village: A Test of the Creative Class, Social Capital, and Human Capital Theories." Urban Affairs Review 44, no. 3 (2009): 311-333.
13 | City futures: global predictions and local resurgence |