Full citations for the readings listed below can be found in the Readings section.
1 |
IntroductionClassroom pre-practicum Current events overview Blogs and portfolios Goals, expectations, and assignments Activity 1: teaching without words (PDF) |
How Students Learn (Chapters 1, 5, 9) | Assignment 1: observations in MIT classrooms (PDF) | |
2 |
MisconceptionsActivity 2: how students learn jigsaw Preconceptions Facts and conceptual understanding Self assessment Videos: "A Private Universe" "Minds of Our Own" Misconceptions discussion Current events |
"Misconceptions Reconceived" ( |
Assignment 2: conquering your misconceptions (PDF) | |
3 |
Classroom observationsMIT observations discussion Writing introductions |
Assignment 1 due | ||
4 |
Formative assessmentIn-class activity: formative assessment |
5 |
Standards and standardized testsTexas standards and standardized tests TEKS - High school science standard TAAS Massachusetts state framework-comparison Discussion of first classroom observations |
"Assessment in Practice" |
Assignment 2 draft due | |
6 |
Differentiated instruction and multiple intelligencesBrainstorming ways to differentiate instructions Readings jigsaw Differentiating math instruction Classroom observations |
"Differentiated Instruction" "Multiple Intelligences After 20 Years" |
Assignment 3: position paper on differentiated instructions (PDF) | |
7 |
Catch up and writingWriting activity Discussion of classroom observations |
8 |
Educational technology and teaching with mediaPhysics lab (PDF) Discussion of classroom observations |
"Impact of Educational Technology on Student Achievement." ( |
Assignment 4: comparison of media (PDF) | Assignment 3 due |
9 |
Educational technology and math educationMath educational technology Labyrinth Discussion of classroom observations |
10 |
Math education and writingSpecial guest: Robert Gerver Town hall preparation Writing work Current events and observations Introduce final assignment - Planning final projects |
"Guided Inquiry in the Science Classroom." | Final assignment (PDF) | |
11 |
Standards town hallTown hall meeting-standards (PDF) Final portfolio info |
Final portfolio (PDF) | ||
12-14 |
Final projectsDesign and teach a lesson |
"Putting Principles into Practice: Teaching and Planning." |
Assignment 4 due Final assignment due Final portfolio due |