A medical worker treats a patient in a Rwandan hospital. (Photo courtesy of TheEndre on Flickr. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.)
Dr. Anjali Sastry
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Spring 2013
Course Description
Course Features
Course Highlights
As part of Action Learning at MIT Sloan, this course relies on experiences both within and outside of the classroom. Resources such as lecture notes and readings help illustrate the learning that takes place on campus, while the sample student projects help represent the on-site work that students conduct in this course.
Course Description
This course pairs faculty-mentored student teams with enterprises on the front lines of health care delivery in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. To tackle specific barriers identified by each partnering organization, the course is built around custom-designed projects in strategy, business model innovation, operations, marketing, and technology. Class sessions include interactive cases, practical exercises, and lively conversations with experts, all designed to support project work before, during, and after the intensive two-week onsite collaboration with entrepreneurs, leaders, staff, and stakeholders in the setting. Course assignments include a portfolio of host deliverable, a foundational toolkit designed to support each project, and a distillation of learning from the field.
Special thanks is given to Imperial Health Sciences, Unjani Clinic and L V Prasad Eye Institute for allowing their organizations to be featured in the sample student projects on this course site.