
15.301 Calendar - For Undergraduate Students

Lecture # /Recitation # Topics Key Dates
L1 Introduction and Group Formation
R1 Introduction: What Are Good Questions for Your Project?
L2 Overview of Organizations
L3 Attitudes and Attitude Change
R2 Critical Thinking
L5 Motivation and Reward Systems
R3 Taking Measurements
L6 Group Norms and Conformity I
L7 Group Norms and Conformity II
R4 Experimental Design I
L8 Group Decision-Making I Physical Surveys Due, First Version of Research Proposal and Design Due
L9 Group Decision-Making II
R5 Feedback About Projects
L10 Leadership I
L11 Leadership II
R6 Probability Theory, Sampling and Randomness Final Research Proposal and Design Due
L12 Career Development I First Draft of Individual Writing Essay Due
L13 Career Development II
L14 Organization Structure and Design I
R7 Probability
L15 Organization Structure and Design II
L16 Midterm
R8 Simple Statistics I
L17 Communication in Organizations I
L18 Communication in Organizations II
R9 Statistics homework Homework 2 Due
L19 Matrix Organizations
R10 Simple Statistics II
L20 Integrated Product Teams
L21 Architecture and Communication
R11 Presentation Skills and Presentations by PhD Students Final Version of Individual Writing Essay Due
L22 Final Quiz
L23 Student Presentations
R12 Student Presentations
L24 Student Presentations
L25 Student Presentations Final Report of Group Research Project Due 2 Days after this Class

15.310 Calendar - For Graduate Students

Lecture # /Recitation # Topics Key Dates
L1 Introduction and Group Formation
R1 Introduction
L2 Overview of Organizations
L3 Attitudes and Attitude Change
L4 Motivation and Reward Systems
R2 Incentives
L5 Group Norms and Conformity I
L6 Group Norms and Conformity II
R3 Maintaining Creativity within Group Settings
L7 Group Decision-Making I
L8 Group Decision-Making II
R4 Group Decision-Making
L9 Leadership I
L10 Leadership II
R5 Leadership
L11 Career Development I
L12 Career Development II
L13 Organization Structure and Design I
R6 Career Development and Mentoring Programs
L14 Organization Structure and Design II
L15 Midterm
L16 Communication in Organizations
L17 Communication in Organizations II
R7 Communication
L18 Matrix Organizations
R8 Presentations
L19 Integrated Product Teams
L20 Architecture and Communication
R9 Presentations Final Paper Due
L21 Final Quiz
L23 Undergraduate Student Presentations Optional Attendance
R10 Undergraduate Student Presentations Optional Attendance
L24 Undergraduate Student Presentations Optional Attendance