
Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 1 session / week, 2 hours / session

Course Requirements

Participants are required to report each week on one or more assigned works, critiquing the main arguments and methodology for discussion. The development of a thesis topic including main questions and approaches will serve as the prime written requirement.


1 Introduction
2 Incentive Theories: Bernard, Clark and Wilson, Wilson
3 Other Approaches: Selznick, March and Simon, Cyert and March, Downs, Guillen
4 Broader Reviews: Scott, Wilson (Bureaucracy)
5 Classic studies: Drucker, Sykes, Selznick (TVA), Kaufman
6 Police: Wilson (Varieties of Police Behavior), Reiner, Wilson (the Investigators)
7 Regulation: Wilson (Regulation), Roberts, Hsiao et al
8 Interest Groups: Wilson (Political Organization)
9 Non-profits: Drake et al, Zald
10 Services: Builder, Ricks
11 Navy: Sapolsky (Polaris), Thompson, Sapolsky (ONR)
12 SOPs: Rocklin et al, Snook
13 USAF: Michel (11 Days), Michel (Clashes), Worder, Builder (Icarus)
14 Defense Politics: Halperin, Kanter, Lucas and Dawson, Hendrickson