
Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 1 session / week, 2 hours / session

Course Requirements

Each student will write three reaction papers during the semester; these should be emailed to the instructors by Monday at 4pm and will be worth 20 percent of the final grade. Each paper should be no longer than 4 double-spaced pages. Class participation is worth an additional 20 percent. A final article-length research paper, which must include original data analysis, will be worth 60 percent and is due at the end of the semester.


Reaction Papers (Three Total) 20%
Class Participation 20%
Article-length Research Paper 60%


1 Organizational Meeting
2 Participation
3 Voter Turnout
4 Participation-Policy Linkages
5 Party Identification
6 Vote Choice
7 Political Information
8 Political Behavior Research Considerations
9 Political Campaigns
10 Media Effects
11 Congressional Elections
12 Sophisticated Voting / Minor Party Candidates
13 Partisan Realignment