[Geoghegan] = Geoghegan, Thomas. Were You Born On the Wrong Continent?: How the European Model Can Help You Get A Life. The New Press, 2011. ISBN: 9781595587060.
[Katzenstein] = Katzenstein, Peter J. Policy and Politics in West Germany: The Growth of a Semisovereign State. Temple University Press, 1987. ISBN: 9780877222644.
[Kesselman] = Kesselman, Mark, Joel Krieger, et al. European Politics in Transition. Wadsworth Publishing, 2008. ISBN: 9780618870783. [Preview with Google Books]
[Moore] = Moore, Barrington. Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World. Beacon Press, 1993. ISBN: 9780807050736.
1 | Introduction; overview of course |
"Part 1: Introduction." In [Kesselman]. "Part 1: Which Side of Paradise?" In [Geoghegan]. |
2–3 | Sources of cross-national variation in European politics and economy |
Rose, Richard. "Presidents and Prime Ministers." Society 25, no. 3 (1988): 61–7.
"The Making Of The Modern British State." Chapter 1 in [Kesselman]. "Political Economy and Development." Chapter 2 in [Kesselman]. |
4–5 | Politics and institutions in Britain |
"England and the Contributions of Violence to Gradualism." Chapter 1 in [Moore]. "The Democratic Route to Modern Society." Chapter 7 in [Moore]. "Governance and Policy Making." Chapter 3 in [Kesselman]. "Representation and Participation." Chapter 4 in [Kesselman]. Flinders, Matthew. "Majoritarian Democracy in Britain: New Labour and the Constitution." West European Politics 28, no. 1 (2005): 61–93.
View the first three minutes and 13 seconds of the following clip: ally008. "Margaret Thatcher in the House of Commons No No No!" April 11, 2008. YouTube. Accessed October 10, 2012. |
6–7 | Contemporary trends in British politics |
"British Politics in Transition." Chapter 5 in [Kesselman].
Howell, Chris. "From New Labour to No Labour?" New Political Science 22, no. 2 (2000): 201–29. Quinn, Thomas. "From New Labour to New Politics: The British Election of 2010." West European Politics 34, no. 2 (2011): 403–11. |
8–9 | French politics, historical legacies |
"Evolution and Revolution in France." Chapter 2 in [Moore]. "The Making Of The Modern French State." Chapter 6 in [Kesselman]. "Political Economy and Development." Chapter 7 in [Kesselman]. |
10 | French institutions and politics |
"Governance and Policymaking." Chapter 8 in [Kesselman]. "Representation and Participation." Chapter 9 in [Kesselman].
Grossman, Emiliano, and Nicolas Sauger. "The End of Ambiguity? Presidents versus Parties, or the Four Phases of the Fifth Republic." West European Politics 32, no. 2 (2009): 423–37. |
11–12 |
French politics and policy Session 12: Guest speaker/discussion leader, Dr. Judith Vichniac, Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University |
View the following interview: "Big Think Interview With Joan Wallach Scott." May 21, 2010. Bigthink.com. Accessed October 10, 2012. |
13–14 | Contemporary issues in French politics |
"French Politics in Transition." Chapter 10 in [Kesselman]. Sauger, Nicolas. "The French Legislative and Presidential Elections of 2007." West European Politics 30, no. 5 (2007): 1166–75. Shorto, Russell. "Marine Le Pen, France's (Kinder, Gentler) Extremist." New York Times Magazine, May 1, 2011. |
15–16 | Germany: historical legacies |
"Revolution from Above and Fascism." Chapter 8 in [Moore]. "The Making Of The Modern German State." Chapter 11 in [Kesselman]. "Political Economy and Development." Chapter 12 in [Kesselman]. |
17–18 | German institutions and politics |
"Governance and Policymaking." Chapter 13 in [Kesselman]. "Representation and Participation." Chapter 14 in [Kesselman]. "The Taming of Power: West Germany's Semisovereign State." Chapter 1 in [Katzenstein]. "Part 2: Berlin Diary." In [Geoghegan]. |
19–20 | Contemporary issues in German politics |
Deeg, Richard. "The Comeback of Modell Deutschland? The New German Political Economy in the EU." German Politics 14, no. 3 (2005): 332–53. Palier, Bruno, and Kathleen Thelen. "Institutionalizing Dualism: Complementarities and Change in France and Germany." Politics & Society 38, no. 1 (2010): 119–48. "German Politics in Transition." Chapter 15 in [Kesselman]. Faas, Thorsten. "The German Federal Election of 2009: Sprouting Coalitions, Drooping Social Democrats." West European Politics 33, no. 4 (2010): 894–903. |
21 | Italy: historical legacies |
"The Making Of The Modern Italian State." Chapter 16 in [Kesselman]. "Political Economy and Development." Chapter 17 in [Kesselman]. |
22 | Italian institutions and politics |
"Governance and Policymaking." Chapter 18 in [Kesselman]. "Representation and Participation." Chapter 19 in [Kesselman]. Porta, Donatella Della, and Alberto Vannucci. "Corruption and Anti-Corruption: The Political Defeat of 'Clean Hands' in Italy." West European Politics 30, no. 4 (2007): 830–53. Diamanti, Ilvo. "The Italian Centre-Right and Centre-Left: Between Parties and 'the Party'." West European Politics 30, no. 4 (2007): 733–62. Vassallo, Salvatore. "Government under Berlusconi: The Functioning of the Core Institutions in Italy." West European Politics 30, no. 4 (2007): 692–710. |
23–24 | Contemporary issues in Italian politics |
Wilson, Alex. "The Italian Election of April 2008: A Political Earthquake?" West European Politics 32, no. 1 (2009): 215–25. "Italian Politics in Transition." Chapter 20 in [Kesselman]. |
25 | Finishing up, summing up | No readings |