Development Experience Clearinghouse Information from the U.S. Agency for International Development on democracy and development around the world.
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Intelligence Country Reports, Country Profiles, and Country Commerce
National Journal Group's Policy Central Contains: National Journal - a weekly on politics and government; CongressDaily - twice daily news service covering Capitol Hill; The Hotline - a daily news briefing on politics and campaigns; Technology Daily - news service on information technology politics and policy; The Almanac of American Politics - data on members of Congress, their states and districts; and Poll Track - a database of public opinion surveys.
Week 1: From the First Political Transition to the Third Wave of Democracy.
The Gate of Heavenly Peace A documentary about the protests at Tiananmen Square in 1989, and the resulting Beijing Massacre of June 4. A great site for resources--journal articles, pictures, books, you name it!
Week 6: The Collapse of Weimar and the Rise of the Third Reich.