I. Background |
1 | Introduction |
Walt, Steven M. "International Relations: One World, Many Theories." Foreign Policy, no. 110 (1998): 29–46. ( PDF - 1.7MB) Recommended Kim, Samuel S. "Regionalization and Regionalism in East Asia." Journal of East Asian Studies 4 (2004): 39–67. Ikenberry, G. John, and Michael Mastanduno, eds. "International Relations Theory and the Search for Stability." In International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific. Columbia University Press, 2003. ISBN: 9780231125901. [Preview with Google Books]
2 | International Relations Theory and East Asia |
Walt, Stephen M. Chapter 2 in The Origins of Alliances (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs). Cornell University Press, 1987, pp. 17–33. ISBN: 9780801420542. [Preview with Google Books] Schweller, Randall. "Managing the Rise of Great Powers: History and Theory." In Engaging China: The Management of an Emerging Power. Edited by Alastair Iain Johnston and Robert S. Ross. Routledge, 1999, pp. 1–31. ISBN: 9780415208413. [Preview with Google Books] Levy, Jack S. "Domestic Politics and War." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 18, no. 4 (1988): 653–73. Recommended Waltz, Kenneth. Theory of International Politics. McGraw-Hill, 1979, pp. 116–28. ISBN: 9780075548522. Milner, Helen. "International Theories of Cooperation Among Nations." World Politics 44, no. 3 (1992): 466–96 only. Jervis, Robert. "Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma." World Politics 30, no. 2 (1978): 167–214. Kowert, Paul, and Jeffrey Legro. "Norms, Identity, and Their Limits: A Theoretical Reprise." In The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics. Edited by Peter Katzenstein. Columbia University Press, 1996, pp. 451–97 and especially 451–68. ISBN: 9780231104685. Byman, Daniel L., and Kenneth M. Pollack. "Let Us Now Praise Great Men." International Security 25, no. 4 (2001): 107–46.
3 | Historical Legacies |
Cohen, Warren I. "The Foreign Impact on East Asia." In Historical Perspectives on Contemporary East Asia. Edited by Merle Goldman and Andrew Gordon. Harvard University Press, 2000, pp. 1–22, skim rest. ISBN: 9780674000988. [Preview with Google Books] Garver, John. "The Legacy of the Past." In Foreign Relations of the People's Republic of China. Prentice Hall, 1992, pp. 2–30. ISBN: 9780133264142. Kristof, Nicholas D. "The Problem of Memory." Foreign Affairs (1998): 37–49. Recommended Snyder, Jack. Myths of Empire: Domestic Politics and International Ambition. Cornell University Press, 1991, pp. 112–52. ISBN: 9780801425325. [Preview with Google Books] Gong, Gerrit, ed. Memory and History in East and Southeast Asia. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2002, pp. 86–113. ISBN: 9780892063994. [Preview with Google Books] Whiting, Allen S. "Past to the Present." Chapter 2 in China Eyes Japan. University of California Press, 1989, pp. 27–40. ISBN: 9780520065116. Cumings, Bruce. "Colonial Deformations and Formations: Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam." In Parallax Visions: Making Sense of American-East Asian Relations. Duke University Press, 1999, pp. 69–94. [Preview with Google Books] Myers, Ramon H., and Mark R. Peattie. Chapter 1 in The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895–1945. Princeton University Press, 1984. [Preview with Google Books]
II. Early Cold War |
4 | Origins of the Cold War in East Asia |
LaFeber, Walter. "The Cold War, or the Renewal of U.S.-Russian Rivalry." In The American Age. W. W. Norton, 1989, pp. 434–70. ISBN: 9780393026290. Dower, John W. "Occupied Japan and the Cold War in Asia." In Japan in War and Peace: Selected Essays. New Press, 1993, pp. 155–93. Gaddis, John Lewis. "Drawing Lines: The Defensive Perimeter Strategy in East Asia, 1947–1951." In The Long Peace: Inquiries Into the History of the Cold War. Oxford University Press, 1987, pp. 72–104. Recommended Christensen, Thomas J. Useful Adversaries: Grand Strategy, Domestic Mobilization, and Sino-American Conflict, 1947–1958. Princeton University Press, 1996, pp. 77–137. ISBN: 9780691026374. Sheng, Michael M. "Chinese Communist Policy Towards the United States and the Myth of the 'Lost Chance', 1948–1950." Modern Asian Studies 28, no. 3 (1994): 475–502. Rotter, Andrew J. Chapter 3 in The Path to Vietnam: Origins of the American Commitment to Southeast Asia. Cornell University Press, 1987. [Preview with Google Books] Mayers, David. Cracking the Monolith: US Policy Against the Sino-Soviet Alliance, 1949–1955. Louisiana State University Press, 1986, pp. 33–63. ISBN: 9780807112878. Pollard, Robert A. "U.S. Economic Diplomacy in East Asia: The Fall of China and the Reconstruction of Japan, 1945–50." In Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold War, 1945–50. Columbia University Press, 1985, pp. 168–96. ISBN: 9780231058308.
5 | Korean War I |
LaFeber, Walter. "Korea: The Unexpected War." In The American Age: U.S. Foreign Policy at Home and Abroad. Norton, 1989, pp. 486–9. ISBN: 9780393026290. Stueck, William. "Why the Korean War, Not the Korean Civil War?" In Rethinking the Korean War: A New Diplomatic and Strategic History. Princeton University Press, 2002, pp. 61–86. ISBN: 9780691088532. [Preview with Google Books] Cumings, Bruce. "Collision." In Korea's Place in the Sun. Norton, 1997, pp. 237–64. ISBN: 9780393040111. Weathersby, Kathryn. "Stalin and the Decision for War in Korea." In War and Democracy: A Comparative Study of the Korean War and the Peloponnesian War. Edited by McCann and Strauss. M. E. Sharpe, 2001, pp. 85–103. ISBN: 9780765606945. [Preview with Google Books] Recommended Cumings, Bruce, and Kathryn Weathersby. "Cumings and Weathersby: An Exchange on Korean War Origins." Cold War International History Project Bulletin 6–7 (1995): 120–3. (DOC) Weathersby, Kathryn. "Soviet Aims in Korea and the Origins of the Korean War, 1945–50: New Evidence From the Russian Archives." Cold War International History Project Working Paper No. 8, 1993. ( PDF) Jian, Chen. "The Sino-Soviet Alliance and China's Entry into the Korean War." Cold War International History Project Working Paper No. 1, 1992. ( PDF)
6 | Korean War II |
LaFeber, Walter. "The Big Turn of 1949–1950: Rollback and the Start of a Twenty-Year U.S.-China Conflict." In The American Age. W. W. Norton & Company, 1994, pp. 496–500. ISBN: 9780393964745. Stueck, William. "The Road to Chinese Intervention, July-November 1950." In Rethinking the Korean War. Princeton University Press, 2002, pp. 87–117. ISBN: 9780691088532. [Preview with Google Books] Christensen, Thomas J. Useful Adversaries. Princeton University Press, 1996, pp. 148–76 and 192–3. ISBN: 9780691026374. Recommended Jian, Chen. "After Inchon: The Making of the Decision on Intervention." In China's Road to the Korean War. Columbia University Press, 1995, pp. 158–89. ISBN: 9780231100243. Hunt, Michael H. "Beijing and the Korean Crisis, June 1950-June 1951." Political Science Quarterly 107, no. 3 (1992): 453–78. ( PDF) Zhihua, Shen. "Sino-Soviet Relations and the Origins of the Korean War: Stalin's Strategic Goals in the Far East." Journal of Cold War Studies 2, no. 2, (2000): 44–68. Jervis, Robert. "The Impact of the Korean War on the Cold War." Journal of Conflict Resolution 24, no. 4 (1980): 563–92. Zhihua, Shen. "Sino-North Korean Conflict and its Resolution during the Korean War." Cold War International History Project Bulletin, no. 14/15.
7 | Containment in East Asia |
Shambaugh, David and Michael Yahuda. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2008, pp. 101–22. ISBN: 9780742556966. Pyle, Kenneth. The Making of Modern Japan. D. C. Heath and Company, 1978, pp. 227–40. ISBN: 9780669846577. Di, He. "The Evolution of the People's Republic of China's Policy Toward the Offshore Islands (Quemoy, Matsu)." In The Great Powers in East Asia: 1953–60. Edited by Warren I. Cohen and Akira Iriye. Columbia University Press, 1990, pp. 222–45. ISBN: 9780231071741. Recommended Christensen, Thomas J. Useful Adversaries. Princeton University Press, 1996, pp. 194–241. Qiang, Zhai. "China and the Geneva Conference of 1954." The China Quarterly, no. 129 (1992): 103–22. ( PDF - 2.3MB) Kahin, George. Intervention: How America Became Involved in Vietnam. Alfred A. Knopf, 1986, pp. 34–65. ISBN: 9780394543673. Hess, Gary. "The American Search for Stability in Southeast Asia: The SEATO Structure of Containment." In The Great Powers in East Asia. Edited by Warren I. Cohen and Akira Iriye. Columbia University Press, 1990, pp. 273–95. ISBN: 9780231071741. [Preview with Google Books] Gallicchio, Marc. "Best Defense is a Good Offense." In The Great Powers In East Asia. Edited by Warren I. Cohen and Akira Iriye. Columbia University Press, 1990, pp. 63–85. [Preview with Google Books]
8 | Vietnam War |
Herring, George C. America's Longest War. McGraw-Hill Humanities, 2001, pp. 53–169 and skim 1–51. ISBN: 9780072536188. Jian, Chen. "China's Involvement in the Vietnam War, 1964–1969." The China Quarterly, no. 142 (1995): 356–87. Recommended Berman, Larry, and Stephen R. Routh. "Why the United States Fought in Vietnam." Annual Review of Political Science 6 (2003): 181–204. Anderson, David L. "The Vietnam War." In A Companion to American Foreign Relations. Edited by Robert D. Schulzinger. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2006, pp. 310–29. ISBN: 9781405149860. Ruane, Kevin. "Putting America in its Place? Recent Writing on the Vietnam Wars." Journal of Contemporary History 37, no. 1 (2002): 115–28.
9 | Collapse of the China-Soviet Alliance |
Garver, John. Foreign Policy of the People's Republic of China. Prentice Hall, 1992, pp. 120–31 and 136–41. ISBN: 9780133264142. Yibo, Bo. "The Making of the 'Leaning to One Side' Decision." Chinese Historian 5, no. 1 (1992): 57–62. Westad, Odd A., ed. "Introduction." In Brothers in Arms: The Rise and Fall of the Sino-Soviet Alliance, 1945–1963. Stanford University Press, 1998, pp. 1–32. ISBN: 9780804734844. [Preview with Google Books] Mouhong, Xue. The Diplomacy of Contemporary China. New Horizon Press, 1990, pp. 138–50. ISBN: 9789627176121. [NOTE: this is an official diplomatic history from the PRC] Recommended Goncharov, Sergei N., John W. Lewis, and Litai Xue. "Making the Alliance." In Uncertain Partners: Stalin, Mao and the Korean War. Stanford University Press, 1993, pp. 76–109. ISBN: 9780804721158. [Preview with Google Books] Pleshakov, Constantine. "Nikita Khruschev and Sino-Soviet Relations." In Brothers in Arms: The Rise and Fall of the Sino-Soviet Alliance, 1945–1963. Edited by Odd A. Westad. Stanford University Press, 1998, pp. 226–40. ISBN: 9780804734844. [Preview with Google Books] Jian, Chen, and Yang Kuisong. "Chinese Politics and the Collapse of the Sino-Soviet Alliance." In Brothers in Arms: The Rise and Fall of the Sino-Soviet Alliance, 1945–1963. Edited by Odd A. Westad. Stanford University Press, 1998, pp. 246–94. [Preview with Google Books] Dittmer, Lowell. "Socialist Dependency." In Sino-Soviet Normalization and its International Implications, 1945–1990. Washington University Press, 1993, pp. 17–26. ISBN: 9780295971186. Khrushchev, Nikita. Khrushchev Remembers. Little Brown, 1970, pp. 461–79. ISBN: 9781135429584.
III. Late Cold War |
10 | US-China Rapprochement |
1972 "Shanghai" Communiqué 1972 Sino-Japanese Joint Communiqué Mann, James. About Face: A History of America's Curious Relationship with China, From Nixon to Clinton. Knopf, 1998, pp. 13–77. ISBN: 9780679450535. Dittmer, Lowell. "Romantic Triangle." In Sino-Soviet Normalization and its International Implications, 1945–1990. Washington University Press, 1993, pp. 195–206. ISBN: 9780295971186. Recommended Jian, Chen. "The Sino-American Rapprochement: 1968–1972." In Mao's China and the Cold War. University of North Carolina Press, 2000, pp. 238–76. ISBN: 9780807826171. Burr, William. "Sino-American Relations, 1969: The Sino-Soviet Border War and Steps Towards Rapprochement." Cold War History 1, no. 3 (2001): 73–112. Hsiao, Gene T. "The Sino-Japanese Rapprochement: A Relationship of Ambivalence." The China Quarterly, no. 57 (1974): 101–23.
11 | China-Soviet Cold War |
Kuisong, Yang. "The Sino-Soviet Border Clash of 1969: From Zhenbao Island to Sino-American Rapprochement." Cold War History 1, no. 1 (2000): 21–52. ( PDF) Dittmer, Lowell. "Sino-American Marriage." In Sino-Soviet Normalization and its International Implications, 1945–1990. Washington University Press, 1993, pp. 207–16. ISBN: 9780295971186. Garver, John. "The Period of Sino-Soviet Confrontation." In Foreign Relations of the People's Republic of China. Prentice Hall, 1992, pp. 304–19. ISBN: 9780133264142. Recommended Gelman, Harry. "The Sino-Soviet Dispute in the 1970s: An Overview." In The Sino-Soviet Conflict: A Global Perspective. Edited by Herbert J. Ellison. University of Washington Press, 1982, pp. 355–72. ISBN: 9780295958545. Jacobsen, Carl G. "Sino-Vietnamese War: Crisis in Sino-Soviet Relations." In Sino-Soviet Relations Since Mao. Praeger, 1981, pp. 92–107. ISBN: 9780030583469. Langer, Paul F. "Soviet Military Power in Asia." In Soviet Policy in East Asia. Edited by Donald Zagoria. Yale University Press, 1982, pp. 255–82. Bandow, Doug. "A Strategy for Disengagement." In Tripwire: Korea and U.S. Foreign Policy in a Changed World. Cato Institute, 1996, pp. 83–101. ISBN: 9781882577293. [Preview with Google Books] Gobarev, Viktor M. "Soviet Policy Toward China: Developing Nuclear Weapons 1949–1969." The Journal of Slavic Military Studies 12, no. 4 (1999): 1–53.
12 | US-China Normalization and Beyond |
1979 Communiqué 1979 Taiwan Relations Act 1982 Communiqué Ross, Robert. "U.S. Relations with China." In The Golden Age of the U.S.-China-Japan Triangle, 1972–1989. Edited by Ezra Vogel, et al. Harvard University Press, 2002, pp. 79–105. ISBN: 9780674009608. [Preview with Google Books] Harding, Harry. A Fragile Relationship: The United States and China Since 1972. Brookings, 1992, pp. 82–7. ISBN: 9780815734666. [Preview with Google Books] Garver, John. "The New Type of Sino-Soviet Relations." Asian Survey 29, no. 12 (1989): 1136–52. Dittmer, Lowell. "Sinocentric Romantic Triangle." In Sino-Soviet Normalization and its International Implications, 1945–1990. Washington University Press, 1993, pp. 217–30. ISBN: 9780295971186. Recommended Lee, Chae-Jin. "The Making of the Sino-Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty." Pacific Affairs 52, no. 3. (1979): 420–45. Freeman, Charles W., Jr. "The Process of Rapprochement: Achievements and Problems." In Sino-American Normalization and Its Policy Implications. Edited by Gene T. Hsiao and Michael Witunski. Praeger, 1983, pp. 1–27. ISBN: 9780030580222. Pharr, Susan. "Japan's Defense Foreign Policy and the Politics of Burden-Sharing." In Japan's Foreign Policy After the Cold War: Coping with Change. Edited by Gerald Curtis. M. E. Sharpe, 1993, pp. 235–64. ISBN: 9781563242168. Segal, Gerald, ed. "Arms Control and Sino-Soviet Relations." In Arms Control in Asia. St. Martins, 1987, pp. 43–65. ISBN: 9780333424001.
13 | Maintaining Regional Order I: ASEAN |
Weatherbee, Donald E. International Relations in Southeast Asia: The Struggle for Autonomy. Rowman & Littlefield, 2008, pp. 57–85. ISBN: 9780742556812. [Preview with Google Books] Leifer, Michael. ASEAN and the Security of South East Asia. Routledge, 1989, pp. 1–15. Kurus, Bilson. "Understanding ASEAN: Benefits and Raison D'Etre." Asian Survey 33, no. 8 (1993): 819–31. Recommended Acharya, Amitav. "The Evolution of ASEAN Norms and the Emergence of the ASEAN Way." In Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia: ASEAN and the Problem of Regional Order. Routledge, 2009, pp. 54–79. ISBN: 9780415414296. [Preview with Google Books] Hemmer, Christopher, and Peter J. Katzenstein. "Why is There No NATO in Asia? Collective Identity, Regionalism, and the Origins of Multilateralism." International Organization 56, no. 3 (2002): 575–607. ( PDF) Duffield, John S. "Why is there no APTO? Why is there no OSCAP: Asia Pacific Security Institutions in Comparative Perspective." Contemporary Security Policy 22, no. 2 (2001). Crone, Donald. "Does Hegemony Matter?: The Reorganization of the Pacific Political Economy." World Politics 45, no. 4 (1993): 501–25. Leifer, Michael. ASEAN and the Security of South East Asia. Routledge, 1989, pp. 17–88 (reserve). ASEAN Secretariat
14 | Financial Miracles |
Islam, Iyanatul, and Anis Chowdhury. The Political Economy of East Asia. Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 1–42. ISBN: 9780195540901. Calder, Kent E. "Securing Security Through Prosperity: The San Francisco System In Comparative Perspective." The Pacific Review 17, no. 1 (2004): 135–57. ( PDF) Recommended Pempel, T. J. "Transpacific Torii: Japan and the Emerging Asian Regionalism." In Network Power: Japan and Asia. Edited by Peter J. Katzenstein and Takashi Shiraishi. Cornell University Press, 1997, pp. 47–81. ISBN: 9780801433146. [Preview with Google Books] Bauer, John. "Economic Growth and Policy in East Asia." In Population Change and Economic Development in East Asia. Edited by Andrew Mason. Stanford University Press, 2002, pp. 33–60. ISBN: 9780804743037. [Preview with Google Books] Woo-Cumings, Meredith Jung-En. "National Security and the Rise of the Developmental State." In Behind East Asian Growth. Edited by Henry S. Rowen. Routledge, 1998, pp. 319–37. ISBN: 9780415165198. [Preview with Google Books] Matthews, Trevor, and John Ravenhill. "Strategic Trade Policy: The Northeast Asian Experience." In Business and Government in Industrializing Asia. Edited by Andrew MacIntyre. Cornell University Press, 1995, pp. 29–80 (skim the case studies). ISBN: 9780801482274. Cumings, Bruce B. "The Origins and Development of the Northeast Asia Political Economy: Industrial Sectors, Product Cycles and Political Consequences." International Organization 38, no. 1 (1984): 1–40. Krugman, Paul. "The Myth of Asia's Miracle." Foreign Affairs (1994): 62–78 AND Radelet, Steven, and Jeffrey Sachs. "Asia's Re-emergence." Foreign Affairs (1997): 44–59. Reference World Bank. East Asian Miracle. Oxford University Press, 1993. ISBN: 9780195209938. Stiglitz, Joseph E., and Shahid Yusuf. Rethinking the East Asian Miracle. World Bank Publications, 2001. ISBN: 9780195216004.
15 | Japan's Emergence |
Hughes, Christopher W. Chapter 1 in Japan's Re-emergence as a 'Normal' Military Power. Adelphi Paper No. 368. Routledge, 2006. ISBN: 9780198567585. Pyle, Kenneth. "Yoshida Doctrine as Grand Strategy." In Japan Rising: The Resurgence Of Japanese Power And Purpose. Public Affairs, 2008, pp. 241–77. ISBN: 9781586485672. Sudo, Sueo. "Japan-ASEAN Relations: New Dimensions in Japanese Foreign Policy." Asian Survey 28, no. 5 (1988): 509–25. Recommended Mochizuki, Mike M. "Japan's Search for Strategy." International Security 8, no. 3 (1983–1984): 152–79. Berger, Thomas U. "From Sword to Chrysanthemum: Japan's Culture of Anti-militarism." International Security 17, no. 4. (1993): 119–50. Heginbotham, Eric, and Richard J. Samuels. "Mercantile Realism and Japanese Foreign Policy." International Security 22, no. 4. (1998): 171–203. Kawasaki, Tsuyoshi. "Postclassical Realism and Japanese Security Policy." The Pacific Review 14, no. 2 (2001): 221–40. ( PDF) Midford, Paul. "Japan's Leadership Role in East Asian Security Multilateralism: The Nakayama Proposal and The Logic Of Reassurance." The Pacific Review 13, no. 3 (2000): 367–97.
IV. Post-Cold War |
16 | Ripe for Rivalry? |
Friedberg, Aaron. "Ripe for Rivalry: Prospects for Peace in a Multipolar Asia." International Security 18, no. 3 (1993/1994): 5–33. Christensen, Thomas J. "Fostering Stability or Creating a Monster? The Rise of China and U.S. Policy toward East Asia." International Security 31, no. 1 (2006): 81–126. ( PDF) Recommended Christensen, Thomas J. "China, The U.S.-Japan Alliance, And The Security Dilemma In East Asia." International Security 23, no. 4 (1999): 49–80. Berger, Thomas C. "Set for Stability? Prospects for Conflict and Cooperation in East Asia." Review of International Studies 26, no. 3 (2000): 405–28. Kang, David C. "Getting Asia Wrong: The Need for New Analytical Frameworks." International Security 27, no. 4 (2003): 57–85. Acharya, Amitav. "Will Asia's Past Be Its Future?" International Security 28, no. 3 (2003/04): 149–64. ( PDF) Ross, Robert S. "The Geography of Peace: East Asia in the Twenty-first Century." International Security 23, no. 4 (1999): 81–118. Hartfiel, Robert, and Brian L. Job. "Raising the Risks of War: Defence Spending Trends and Competitive Arms Processes in East Asia." The Pacific Review 20, no. 1 (2007): 1–22. Nye, Joseph S., Jr. "The Case for Deep Engagement." Foreign Affairs (1995): 90–102 Johnson, Chalmers, and E. B. Keehn. "The Pentagon's Ossified Strategy." Foreign Affairs (1995): 103–14. Department of Defense. The United States Security Strategy For The East Asia-Pacific Region 1998. ( PDF - 2.3MB)
17 | Maintaining Regional Order II: Beyond ASEAN |
Leifer, Michael. The ASEAN Regional Forum. Adelphi Paper No. 302. Routledge, 1996, pp. 31–60. ISBN: 9780198292630. Khong, Yuen Foong. "Making Bricks without Straw in the Asia Pacific?" The Pacific Review 10, no. 2 (1997): 289–300. Stubbs, Richard. "ASEAN Plus Three: An Emerging East Asian Regionalism?" Asian Survey 42, no. 3 (2002): 440–55. ( PDF) Reference ARF Concept Paper (1995) Recommended Acharya, Amitav. "Ideas, Identity, and Institution-Building: From the ASEAN Way to the Asia-Pacific Way?" The Pacific Review 10, no. 3 (1997): 319–46. Johnston, Alastair Iain. "The Myth of the ASEAN Way: Explaining the Evolution of the ARF." In Imperfect Unions: Security Institutions Over Time and Space. Edited by Helga Haftendorn, et al. Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 287–324. ISBN: 9780198207962. Khong, Yuen Foong, and Helen E. S. Nesadurai. "Hanging Together, Institutional Design, and Cooperation in Southeast Asia: AFTA and the ARF." In Crafting Cooperation: Regional Institutions in Comparative Perspective. Edited by Amitav Acharya and Alastair Iain Johnston. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780521876032. [Preview with Google Books] Jones, David Martin, and Michael L. R. Smith. "Making Process, Not Progress ASEAN and the Evolving East Asian Regional Order." International Security 32, no. 1 (2007): 148–84. Cha, Victor. "Multilateral Security in Asia and the U.S.-Japan Alliance." In Reinventing the Alliance: U.S.-Japan Security Partnership in an Era of Change. Edited by G. John Ikenberry and Takashi Inoguchi. Palgrave, 2003, pp. 141–62. ISBN: 9781403963154. [Preview with Google Books] Acharya, Amitav. "Regional Institutions and Asian Security Order: Norms, Power and Prospects for Peaceful Change." In Asian Security Order: Instrumental and Normative Features. Edited by Muthiah Alagappa. Stanford University Press, 2002, pp. 210–40. ISBN: 9780804746281. [Preview with Google Books]
18 | Financial Crisis and Regionalism |
Narine, Shaun. Explaining ASEAN: Regionalism in Southeast Asia. Lynne Reiner, 2002, pp. 139–59. ISBN: 9781588261298. [Preview with Google Books] Webber, Douglas. "Two Funerals and a Wedding? The Ups and Downs of Regionalism in East Asia and the Asia-Pacific after the Asian Crisis." The Pacific Review 14, no. 3 (2001): 339–72. Bowles, Paul. "Asia's Post-Crisis Regionalism: Bringing the State Back In, Keeping the (United) States Out." Review of International Political Economy 9, no. 2 (2002): 230–56. Reference on the Crisis Winters, Jeffrey. "The Determinants of Financial Crisis in Asia." In The Politics of the Asian Economic Crisis. Edited by T. J. Pempel. Cornell University Press, 1999, pp. 79–97. ISBN: 9780801486340. [Preview with Google Books] Wade, Robert. "Wheels within Wheels: Rethinking the Asian Crisis and the Asian Model." Annual Review of Political Science 3 (2000): 85–115. Corsetti, Giancarlo, Paolo Pesenti, and Nouriel Roubini. "What Caused the Asian Currency and Financial Crisis?" Japan and the World Economy 11 (1999): 305–73. ( PDF) Haggard, Stephan. Introduction in The Political Economy of the Asian Financial Crisis. Institute for International Economics, 2000. ISBN: 9780881322835. [Preview with Google Books] Asia Financial Crisis webpage Recommended Fischer, Stanley. "The Asian Financial Crisis: A View from the IMF." (January 1998). Acharya, Amitav. "Realism, Institutionalism and the Asian Economic Crisis." Contemporary Southeast Asia 21, no. 1 (1999): 1–29. Eaton, Sarah, and Richard Stubbs. "Is ASEAN Powerful? Neo-Realist Versus Constructivist Approaches to Power in Southeast Asia." The Pacific Review 19, no. 2 (2006): 135–55. Lamberte, Mario B. "An Overview of Economic Cooperation and Integration in Asia." In Asian Economic Cooperation and Integration: Progress, Prospects, and Challenges. Asian Development Bank, 2006. ISBN: 9789715615495. Calder, Kent, and Min Ye. "Regionalism and Critical Junctures: Explaining the 'Organization Gap' in Northeast Asia." Journal of East Asian Studies 4 (2004): 191–226. ( PDF) Desker, Barry. "In Defence of FTAs: From Purity to Pragmatism in East Asia." The Pacific Review 17, no. 1 (2004): 3–26. Park, Yung Chul. "Whither Financial and Monetary Integration in East Asia?" Asian Economic Papers 6, no. 3 (2007): 95–128. Chia, Siow Yue. "Whither East Asian Regionalism? An ASEAN Perspective." Asian Economic Papers 6, no. 3 (2007): 1–36.
19 | Crisis in the Taiwan Straits |
Lee, Bernice. The Security Implications of the New Taiwan. Adelphi Paper No. 331. Routledge, 1999, pp. 13–42. ISBN: 9780199224791. Scobell, Andrew. "Show of Force: The 1995–1996 Taiwan Crisis." In China's Use of Military Force: Beyond the Great Wall and the Long March. Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 171–91. ISBN: 9780521525855. [Preview with Google Books] McDevitt, Michael. "Taiwan: The Tail That Wags Dogs." Asia Policy 1, no. 1 (2006): 69–93. ( PDF) Reference Jiang Zemin's Report at the 16th Party Congress. "VIII. "One Country, Two Systems" and Complete National Reunification." 2005 Anti-Secession Law Four-Point Guidelines on Cross-Straits Relations Set Forth by President Hu. Hu Jintao's Report at the 17th Party Congress. "X. Carrying Forward the Practice of "One Country, Two Systems" and Advancing the Great Cause of Peaceful National Reunification." Romberg, Alan. Rein in at the Brink of the Precipice: American Policy Toward Taiwan and US-PRC Relations. Henry L. Stimson Center, 2003 (skim, but this is a key work). ISBN: 9780974725543. Recommended Ross, Robert. "The 1996 Taiwan Strait Confrontation: Coercion, Credibility and Use of Force." International Security 25, no. 2 (2000): 87–123. ( PDF) ———. "The Stability of Deterrence in the Taiwan Straits." The National Interest (2001): 67–76. Christensen, Thomas J. "The Contemporary Security Dilemma: Deterring a Taiwan Conflict." Washington Quarterly 25, no. 4 (2002): 7–21. Saunders, Philip. "Long-Term Trends In China-Taiwan Relations: Implications for U.S. Taiwan Policy." Asian Survey 45, no. 6 (2005): 970–91. Dittmer, Lowell. "Taiwan and the Issue of National Identity." Asian Survey 44, no. 4 (2004): 475–83.
20 | Crisis on the Korean Peninsula |
Pollack, Jonathan D. "The United States, North Korea, and the End of the Agreed Framework." Naval War College Review (2003): 11–48. Cha, Victor D., and David C. Kang. "The Debate over North Korea." Political Science Quarterly 119, no. 2 (2004): 229–54. Snyder, Scott. "Responses to North Korea's Nuclear Test: Capitulation or Collective Action." The Washington Quarterly 30, no. 4 (2007): 33–43. Reference Niksch, Larry A. North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program. CRS Report, October 2006. ( PDF) Denuclearization Action Plan (February 2007) Recommended Cha, Victor D. "Hawk Engagement and Preventive Defense on the Korean Peninsula." International Security 27, no. 1 (2002): 40–78. Smith, Hazel. "Bad, Mad, Sad or Rational Actor? Why the Securitization Paradigm Makes for Poor Policy Analysis of North Korea." International Affairs 76, no. 3 (2000): 593–617. Park, John S. "Inside Multilateralism: The Six-Party Talks." The Washington Quarterly 28, no. 4 (2005): 73–91. Hughes, Christopher. "North Korea's Nuclear Weapons: Implications for the Nuclear Ambitions of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan." Asia Policy, no. 3 (2007): 75–104. ( PDF) Saunders, Phillip C. "Korea as Viewed from China." In Korea: The East Asian Pivot. Edited by Jonathan D. Pollack. Naval War College Press, 2006, pp. 233–52. ISBN: 9781884733369. [Preview with Google Books]
V. China's Rise |
21 | China's Rise |
Medeiros, Evan S., and M. Taylor Fravel. "China's New Diplomacy." Foreign Affairs (2003): 22–35. Brandt, Loren, Thomas G. Rawski, and Xiaodong Zhu. "International Dimensions of China's Long Boom." In China's Rise and the Balance of Influence in Asia. Edited by William W. Keller and Thomas G. Rawski. University of Pittsburg Press, 2007, pp. 14–46. ISBN: 9780822959670. Friedberg, Aaron L. "The Future of U.S.-China Relations Is Conflict Inevitable?" International Security 30, no. 2 (2005): 7–45. Reference Brown, Harold, Joseph W. Prueher, and Adam Segal. Chinese Military Power: Report of an Independent Task Force. Council on Foreign Relations Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780876093306. [Preview with Google Books] Recommended Johnston, Alastair Iain. "Is China a Status Quo Power?" International Security 27, no. 4 (2003): 5–12 and 25–49. Goldstein, Avery. "An Emerging China's Emerging Grand Strategy: A Neo-Bismarckian Turn?" In International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific. Edited by G. John Ikenberry and Michael Mastanduno. Columbia University Press, 2003, pp. 57–106. ISBN: 9780231125901. [Preview with Google Books] Yue, Chia Siow. "ASEAN-China Economic Competition and Free Trade Area." Asian Economic Papers 4, no. 1 (2005): 109–47. Ravenhill, John. "Is China an Economic Threat to Southeast Asia?" Asian Survey XLVI, no. 5 (2006): 653–74.
22 | A New Security Dilemma? |
Hughes, Christopher W. Chapter 2 in Japan's Re-emergence as a 'Normal' Military Power. Adelphi Paper No. 368. Routledge, 2006. ISBN: 9780198567585. Mearsheimer, John J. "China's Unpeaceful Rise." Current History (2006). ( PDF) Mochizuki, Mike M. "Japan's Shifting Strategy Toward the Rise of China." Journal of Strategic Studies 30, no. 4–5 (2007): 739–76. Yinan, He. "History, Chinese Nationalism and the Emerging Sino-Japanese Conflict." Journal of Contemporary China 16, no. 50 (2007): 1–24. Recommended Samuels, Richard J. Securing Japan: Tokyo's Grand Strategy and the Future of East Asia. Cornell University Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780801474903. [Preview with Google Books] Kotler, Mindy L., Naotaka Sugawara, and Tetsuya Yamada. "Chinese and Japanese Public Opinion: Searching for Moral Security." Asian Perspectives 31, no. 1 (2007): 93–125. Xinbo, Wu. "The End of the Silver Lining: A Chinese View of the U.S.-Japanese Alliance." The Washington Quarterly 29, no. 1 (2006): 119–30. Mochizuki, Mike M. "Terms of Engagement: The U.S.-Japan Alliance and the Rise of China." In Beyond Bilateralism: U.S.-Japan Relations in the New Asia-Pacific. Edited by Krauss and Pempel. Stanford University Press, 2003, pp. 87–114. ISBN: 9780804749091. [Preview with Google Books]
23 | In-class Exam | (No readings) |
24 | The U.S. in East Asia |
Abramowtiz, Morton, and Stephen Bosworth. "America Confronts the Asian Century." Current History (2006): 147–52. Dittmer, Lowell. "Assessing American Asia Policy." Asian Survey 47, no. 4 (2007): 521–35. Cha, Victor D. "Winning Asia: Washington's Untold Success Story." Foreign Affairs (2007): 98–113. Ikenberry, G. John. "The Rise of China and the Future of the West: Can the Liberal System Survive?" Foreign Affairs (2008). Recommended O'Hanlon, Michael. "U.S. Military Modernization: Implications for U.S. Policy in Asia." In Strategic Asia 2005–06: Military Modernization in an Era of Uncertainty. Edited by Ashley J. Tellis and Michael Wills. National Bureau of Asian Research, 2005, pp. 41–65. ISBN: 9780971393868. Cohen, Stephen D. "Superpower as Super-Debtor: Implications of Economic Disequilibria for U.S.-Asia Relations." In Strategic Asia 2005–06: Military Modernization in an Era of Uncertainty. Edited by Ashley J. Tellis and Michael Wills. National Bureau of Asian Research, 2005, pp. 29–64. ISBN: 9780971393868. Medeiros, Evan S. "Strategic Hedging and the Future of Asia-Pacific Stability." The Washington Quarterly 29, no. 1 (2005–06): 145–67. Twomey, Christopher P. "Missing Strategic Opportunity in U.S. China Policy since 9/11: Grasping Tactical Success." Asian Survey 47, no. 4 (2007): 536–59.
25 | Conclusion and Wrap-Up | (No readings) |