
Lec # topics key dates
Lines of Influence: Petrarch and Ovid
1 Introduction
2 Petrarch and Ovid
3 Petrarch
Sidney and the Contexts of Renaissance Verse
4 Sidney's Precursors: Wyatt and Surrey
5 Constructing the Poetic Self
6 Sidney
7 Screening of Man for All Seasons
8 The English Court under Elizabeth I
9 The English Court under Elizabeth I (cont.)
Sidney to Spenser and Shakespeare
10 Edmund Spenser Three page response paper due in class
11 Edmund Spenser (cont.)
12 Shakespeare's Sonnets (Selections)
13 Shakespeare's Sonnets (Selections) (cont.) Essay 1 due (4-6 pages) four days after Lec #13 (by midnight)
Donne and Marvell
14 John Donne, Songs and Sonnets (Selections) Commonplace books and student sonnets due in class
15 Money, Colonialism and Gender
16 Cartography and Poetry: Maps and Bodies
17 Renaissance Neo-Platonism
18 Andrew Marvel
Poetry and Religion
19 John Donne
20 John Donne (cont.)
21 George Herbert
22 George Herbert, Mary Wroth, Amelia Lanyer Prospectus for research essay along with preliminary annotated bibliography due
Poetry, Place, History
23 Amelia Lanyer, Ben Johnson, Andrew Marvell
24 The Civil War Draft of research essay due in class
25 Student Meetings to Discuss Final Essay Draft
26 The Civil War (cont.)
27 Student Meetings to Discuss Final Essay Draft (If necessary) (cont.) Research essay due (12-15 pages) five days after Lec #27