
1 Introductory
2 Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice.
3 Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. (continued)
4 Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. (continued)
5 Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. (continued)
6 Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. (continued)
7 Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Tell-Tale Heart." In Charters. First Paper Due
8 Gogol, Nikolai. "The Overcoat." In Charters.
9 Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations.
10 Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. (continued)
11 Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. (continued)
12 Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. (continued)
13 Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. (continued) Second Paper Due
14 Tolstoy, Leo. "Death of Ivan Ilych." In Charters.
15 Tolstoy, Leo. "Death of Ivan Ilych." In Charters. (continued)
16 Chekhov, Anton. "The Lady with the Pet Dog." In Charters.
17 Conrad, Joseph. The Secret Sharer.
18 Conrad, Joseph. The Secret Sharer. (continued)
19 Lawrence, D. H. "Odour of Chrysanthemums." In Charters.
20 Joyce, James. "Araby." In Charters. Third Paper Due
21 Joyce, James. "The Dead." In Charters.
22 Kafka, Franz. "The Metamorphosis." In Charters.
23 Woolf, Virginia. To the Lighthouse.
24 Woolf, Virginia. To the Lighthouse. (continued) Fourth Paper Due
25 O’Connor, Flannery. "Good Country People." In Charters.
26 Oates, Joyce Carol. "Where Are You Going, …?" In Charters.