
1 Introduction. Machiavelli, excerpt from The Prince
2 More: excerpt from Utopia
Montaigne: Of Cannibals
3 Montaigne: Of Repentance, Of Diversion, Of Conserving the Will
4 Montaigne: excerpt from Of Experience Shakespeare, King Lear
5 Shakespeare: King Lear
6 Shakespeare: King Lear
7 Excerpts from Hobbes: Leviathan
8 Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's Travels, IV
9 Jonathan Swift: (concluded) First Paper Due
(Six Pages)
10 Rousseau: On the Origins of Inequality
11 Rousseau: (concluded)
12 Wordsworth: Tintern Abbey; excerpts from The Prelude
13 Wordsworth: (concluded)
14 Wordsworth: (concluded)
15 Immanuel Kant: excerpt from The Metaphysical Foundation of Morals
16 Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice Second Paper Due
(Six Pages)
17 Jane Austen (continued)
18 Jane Austen (continued)
19 Balzac: Père Goriot
20 Balzac (continued)
21 Balzac (continued)
22 Friedrich Nietzsche, excerpts from The Geneology of Morals
23 Nietzsche, (concluded)
24 George Bernard Shaw, Major Barbara
25 George Bernard Shaw, Major Barbara
This subject does not have a final exam