
Lec # topics key dates
Correspondence Theory
1 Correspondence Theory Basics
2 Correspondence Theory (cont.) Assignment 1 due
3 MAX F Constraints and Positional Faithfulness
4 Reduplication: Basic Laws
5 Reduplicative Correspondence Assignment 2 due
6 Reduplicant Size and Placement
7 Reduplicant Size and Placement (cont.) Assignment 3 due
8 BR vs. IR Correspondence
9 Emergence of the Unmarked, and Non-reduplicative Correspondence Assignment 4 due
Lexical Phonology and Cyclicity Effects
10 Lexical vs. Postlexical Phonology
11 Cyclicity and its OT Translations Assignment 5 due
12 OO Correspondence
13 Base-derivative Correspondence Assignment 6 due
Paradigm Uniformity
14 Paradigm Uniformity
15 Paradigm Uniformity (cont.) Assignment 7 due
16 More on Paradigm Regularization Assignment 8 due
17 Overview: Types of Opacity
18 Characteristics of Opacity
19 Formalization of Opacity in OT Assignment 9 due
20 Sympathy Theory

Other Approaches to Opacity
21 Comparative Markedness
22 Introduction to Exceptions
23 The Representation of Exceptions
24 What is regular, and what is an exception?
Student Presentations
25 Student Presentations, Part 1
26 Student Presentations, Part 2 Final papers due 9 days after lecture 26