[OD] = Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. The Penguin Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780143038580.
[EWWE] = Singer, Peter, and Jim Mason. The Ethics of What We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter. Rodale Books, 2007. ISBN: 9781594866876. [Preview with Google Books]
1 | Introduction |
Keating, Joshua. "How Food Explains the World." Foreign Policy, May/June 2011.
I. Overview of Issues and Challenges | ||
2 | Challenges |
[OD] Introduction: Our National Eating Disorder.
Recommended[EWWE] Introduction: Food and Ethics. |
3 | Food and culture |
Murcott, Anne. "The Cultural Significance of Food and Eating." Proceedings for the Nutrition Society 41, no. 2 (1982): 203–10.
RecommendedRevisit the following and browse the comments: Keating, Joshua. "How Food Explains the World." Foreign Policy, May/June 2011. |
4 | Human welfare overview: health, hunger, and exploitation |
Estabrook, Barry. "Politics of the Plate: The Price of Tomatoes." Gourmet, March 2009. McWilliams, James. "PTSD in the Slaughterhouse." The Texas Observer, February 7, 2012. World Health Organization: Obesity and Overweight Fact Sheet Brown, Lester. "The New Geopolitics of Food." Foreign Policy, May/June 2011. Recommended
Thomson, Peter. "A Man With Plastic Shoes and Ironclad Principles: Peter Singer Interviewed." May 28, 2007. utilitarian.net. World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics, worldhunger.org. UNICEF Inspired Gifts, unicefusa.org. Ambinder, Marc. "Beating Obesity." Atlantic Magazine, May 2010. Parker-Pope, Tara. "The Fat Trap." New York Times Magazine, December 28, 2011. LeDuff, Charlie. "How Race Is Lived in America: At a Slaughterhouse, Some Things Never Die," New York Times, June 16, 2000. Kunichoff, Yana. "Florida Farmworkers Win Chipotle's Support in Bid for Improved Conditions." October 4, 2012. truth-out.org. Dunn, Rob. "Human Ancestors Were Nearly All Vegetarians." July 23, 2012. scientificamerican.com. Parker-Pope, Tara. "How the Food Makers Captured Our Brains," New York Times, June 22, 2009. Solomon, Avi. "Working Undercover in a Slaughterhouse: An Interview with Timothy Pachirat." March 8, 2012. boingboing.net. |
5 | Environmental impact and animal welfare overview |
[OD] Chapter 1: The Plant: Corn's Conquest. [OD] Chapter 2: The Farm. [OD] Chapter 4: The Feedlot: Making Meat.
Recommended"Ethical Food: Good Food? " The Economist, December 7, 2006. |
6 | Moral frameworks overview |
![]() |
II. Food: More or Less | ||
7 | Eating the American way | [EWWE] Part 1: Eating The Standard American Diet. |
8 | The distant needy |
Hardin, Garrett. " Singer, Peter. "Famine, Affluence, and Morality." Philosophy and Public Affairs 1, no. 3 (1972): 229–43. Recommended VideoEidos84. "Peter Singer's Ethics." November 27, 2010. YouTube. Accessed March 15, 2013. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVViICWs4dM |
9 | Ethics vs. politics of food |
Banjerjee, Abhijit, and Esther Duflo. "More Than 1 Billion People Are Hungry in the World." Foreign Policy, May/June 2011. Kuper, Andrew. "More Than Charity: Cosmopolitan Alternatives to the 'Singer Solution'." Ethics & International Affairs 16, no. 1 (2002): 107–28. Singer, Peter. "Poverty, Facts and Political Philosophies: Response to 'More Than Charity'." Ethics & International Affairs 16, no. 1 (2002): 121–4. Kuper, Andrew. "Facts, Theories, and Hard Choices: Reply to Peter Singer." Ethics & International Affairs 16, no. 1 (2002): 125–6. Singer, Peter. "Achieving the Best Outcome: Final Rejoinder." Ethics & International Affairs 16, no. 1 (2002): 127–8. RecommendedStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "Moral Relativism." 2008. plato.stanford.edu. Sayre-McCord, Geoffrey. " De Young, Raymond. "Tragedy of the Commons: Adaptive Muddling and Durable Behavior." August 28, 2012. personal.mich.edu. "Tragedy of the Commons? A Special Issue." 2003. sciencemag.org. |
III. Food: Conscientiously Considered | ||
10 |
Conscientious omnivorism? Screening: American Meat | [EWWE] Part 2: The Conscientious Omnivores. |
11 | Environmentalism? |
RecommendedHill, Jr., Thomas E. "Ideals of Human Excellence and Preserving the Natural Environment." Environmental Ethics 5 (1983): 211–24.
Taylor, Paul W. " "Five Principles For Feeding The Planet," oxfamamerica.org. "Hidden Costs of Industrial Agriculture." ucsusa.org. |
12 | Is "green agriculture" a solution? |
[OD] Chapter 10: Grass: Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Pasture. [OD] Chapter 11: The Animals: Practicing Complexity. Johnston, Rob. "The Great Organic Myths: Why Organic Foods Are An Indulgence The World Can't Afford," The Independent. May 1, 2008. Recommended[EWWE] Chapter 14: Going Organic.
13 | Is "locavorism" a solution? |
14 | Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) |
Recommended———. "Can Agricultural Biotechnology Help The Poor? The Answer is Yes, But with Qualifications." June 8, 2009. scienceprogress.org. |
15 |
Free trade Guest Lecturer: Daniel Fireside, Capitol Coordinator, Equal Exchange | Fireside, Daniel. "Equal Exchange's Radical Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility." Summer 2011. greenmoneyjournal.com. |
IV. Food: The Meatless Way | ||
16 | The vegan option | [EWWE] Part 2: The Vegans. |
17 | Moral theory and animal warfare |
Steinbock, Bonnie. "Speciesism and the Idea of Equality." Philosophy 53, no. 204 (1978): 247–56. RecommendedNorcross, Alastair. "Puppies, Pigs and People: Eating Meat and Marginal Cases." Philosophical Perspectives 18, no. 1 (2004): 229–45. Bittman, Mark. "Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler," New York Times, January 27, 2008. Pollan, Michael. "An Animal's Place." New York Times Magazine, November 10, 2002. Wenz, Peter S. "An Ecological Argument for Vegetarianism." Ethics and Animals 5, no. 1 (1984): 2–9 |
18 | Pain vs. death |
Scruton, Roger. "Eating our Friends." 2006. catholiceducation.org.
19 | The environmental omnivore? |
[OD] Chapter 17: The Ethics of Eating Animals.
V. Food, Ethnicity and Culture | ||
20 | Ethnicity and food |
Menzel, Peter. "What The World Eats, Part 1." Photo gallery, time.com. |
21 |
Food and gender Screening: FLOW: For Love of Water |
Allen, Patricia, and Carolyn Sachs. "Women and Food Chains: The Gendered Politics of Food." International Journal of Sociology of Food and Agriculture 15, no. 1 (2007): 1–23. Recommended
22 |
Diet and obesity Screening: Gary Taubes lecture |
Fitchen, Janet M. "Hunger, Malnutrition, and Poverty in the Contemporary United States: Some Observations on Their Social and Cultural Context." Food and Foodways: Explorations in the History and Culture of Human Nourishment 2, no. 1 (1987): 309-33. Freedman, Alex M. "Deadly Diet: Amid Ghetto Hunger, Many More Suffer Eating Wrong Foods." Wall Street Journal (1990). ———. "Habit Forming: Fast Food Chains Play Central Role in Diet of the Inner-City Poor." Wall Street Journal (1990). ———. "Poor Selection: An Inner-City Shopper Seeking Healthy Good Finds Offerings Scant." Wall Street Journal (1990). |
23 | Waste |
Giles, David HGB. "Dumpster-Divers and the Smoothies of Wrath." January 6, 2012. foodanthro.com. Essig, Laurie. "Fine Diving." June 11, 2002. salon.com. Weissman, Adam. "Urban Foraging: Liberating Our Consumption, Liberating Our Lives." 2008. Freegan.info. Eighner, Lars. "On Dumpster Diving." New England Journal of Public Policy 8, no. 1 (1992): Article 7
Videos theperennialplate. "Dumpster Diver: Episode 84 of The Perennial Plate." February 12, 2012. YouTube. Accessed March 18, 2013. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8v9I-mu2ew Taste the Waste. Directed by Valentin Thurn. Color, 92 min. 2010. |
24 |
Food activism: urban agriculture |
RecommendedNewsOne Staff, "America's Worst 9 Urban Food Deserts." September 22, 2011. newsone.com. "If You Build It, They May Not Come." The Economist, July 7, 2011. Bornstein, David. "Time to Revisit Food Deserts," New York Times, April 25, 2012. Video Kirstendirksen. "Internet of Food: Ardunio-based, Urban Aquaponics in Oakland." June 25, 2012. YouTube. Accessed March 18, 2013. http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=3IryIOyPfTE |
25 |
Food activism: art works Guest lecturer: Andi Sutton, Coordinator, Graduate Consortium in Women's Studies, MIT | No reading |
26 | Student presentations of final projects | No reading |
27 | Final lecture wrap-up | No reading |