[Cracraft] = Cracraft, James, ed. Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. D. C. Heath and company, 1993. ISBN: 9780669214970.
[Gibian] = Gibian, George, ed. The Portable Nineteenth-Century Russian Reader. Penguin Books, 1993. ISBN: 9780140151039.
[Tolstoy] = Tolstoy, Leo. Hadji Murad. Orchises Press, 1996. ISBN: 9780914061540. [Preview with Google Books]
Also see Russian History Docs
1 | Introduction to the Course | |
2 | Introduction to the Russian Empire and the Muscovite Heritage |
[Cracraft] "Major Problems." pp. 4–21.
[Cracraft] Kollmann, Nancy. "Intro," and "Muscovite Patrimonialism." pp. 36–46. |
3 | Understanding Serfdom and the Social Structure | [Cracraft] Hellie, Avvakum. "Summary on serfdom," "Documents–Introduction," "The Ulozhenie of 1649," and "The Life (1673)." pp. 57–78. |
4 | Peter the Great and the Petrine Reforms |
[Cracraft] Anisimov, Evgenii V. "Peter I," and "Petrine Reform Legislation." pp. 81–99, 109–16 and 123–5. [Gibian] Pushkinm Alexander. "In Bronze Horseman (Introduction)." pp. 8–11. Optional
5 | From Peter the Great to Catherine the Great | [Cracraft] Anisimov, Evgenii V. "Empire of the Nobility," "Peter III's Manifesto Emancipating the Nobility (1762)," and "Count Shcherbatov Laments Corruption 1730–62." pp. 127–46, and 150–65. |
6 | Catherine the Great as Woman and Ruler | [Cracraft] de Madariaga, Salvador. "Catherine as Woman and Ruler," "Catherine's Instruction (1767)," "Charter to the Nobility," and "Potemkin Urges Annexation of the Crimea." pp. 166–79, 197–212, and 249–51. |
7 | Critics and Rebels in the 18th Century |
[Cracraft] Raeff, Marc. "Pugachev Rebellion." [Cracraft] Radishchev, Aleksander. "Shcherbatov Laments Corruption (1787)" and "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow (1790)." |
8 | Bureaucratic Monarchy, 1796–1825 |
[Cracraft] Raeff, Marc. "Raeff on the constitutionalism of Alexander I," pp. 255-68. [Cracraft] Karamzin, Nikolay. "Karamzin's Memoir (1811)." [Cracraft] von Haxthausen, August. "Von Haxthausen on the peasant commune (1844)." Czartoryski, Adam. "Description of Alexander I and His Reforms" from Readings in Modern European History, edited by James Harvey Robinson and Charles Beard. Ginn and Company, 1908. |
9 | The Decemberists, Nicholas I, and High Society |
[Cracraft] Riasanovsky, Nicholas V. "Riasanovsky on Nicholas I." [Cracraft] de Custine, Marquis. "Marquis de Custine (1839)." [Gibian] Pushkin, Alexander. "19th Century Russian Reader: Pushkin poems (1825–28)." pp. 6–8.
10 | Bureaucracy in Literature | [Gibian] Gogol, Nikolai. "The Overcoat (1842)." pp. 199–232. |
11 | The Institution of Serfdom |
Be sure to note the key terms on the first page of the reading. Obrok was a payment to the lord in money; barshchina was a payment in labor or kind. |
12 | Serfdom in Literature | [Gibian] Aksakov, Sergei, and Ivan Goncharov. "Kurolesov (1856)," and "Oblomov's Dream (1849)." pp. 241–73, and 293–333. |
13 | Alexander II and the Great Reforms |
[Cracraft] Wcislo, Frank. "Dilemmas of Emancipation." [Cracraft] "The Emancipation Reform of 1861." |
14 | The Aftermath of the Reforms |
[Cracraft] "MacKenzie-Wallace on mir and zemstvo (1877)." [Gibian] Saltykov-Shchedrin, Mikhail. "The Story of How One Peasant Fed Two Generals (1869)." pp. 608–15. Optional
15 | Revolutionary Dreams and Reaction |
[Cracraft] Wortman. "Towards the Rule of Law." pp. 316–27.
[Cracraft] "Vera Figner on assassination (1881)," and "Manifesto of Alexander III Affirming Autocracy (1881)." pp. 381–9, and pp. 360–81.
[Cracraft] Pearson, Thomas S. "The Failure of Reform." [Cracraft] Pobedonostsev, Konstantin. "Reflections (1896)." |
16 | Exploration and Empire-Building |
[Cracraft] Kappeler, Andread. "Multi-Ethnic Empire." "Russification," [Cracraft] Thaden, Edward, E. "Russification." [Cracraft] Gorchakov, Alexander. "Gorchakov Circular (1864)." [Cracraft] Urusov, Lev. "Urusov on Russian Anti-Semitism (1907)." |
17 | War and Peace in the Caucasus | [Tolstoy] pp. 125. |
18 | Industrialization and Radicalization | [Cracraft] Gurko's, V. I. "Critique of Sergei Witte in his years as Minister of Finance (before 1906)." pp. 468–79. |
19 | Research Paper Presentations | |
20 | Industrialization and Innovation—A Challenge for Russia | |
21 | The Revolution of 1905 |
[Cracraft] "The October Manifesto (1905)," "Father Gapon (1905)," "Lenin (1905)," and "Breshkovskaia (1920)." |
22 | The Constitutional Monarchy and World War I |
23 | The February Revolution |
24 | From February to October |
View the website "The Deepening of the Russian Revolution, 1917." |
25 | The October Revolution |
26 | Review |