[B] = Boyer, Paul. By the Bomb's Early Light: American Thought and Culture at the Dawn of the Atomic Age. The University of North Carolina Press, 1994. ISBN: 9780807844809.
[N] = Nicolaides, Becky M., and Andrew Wiese, eds. The Suburb Reader. Routledge, 2006. ISBN: 9780415945943.
[S] = Schrecker, Ellen. The Age of McCarthyism: A Brief History with Documents. 2nd ed. Bedford / St. Martin's, 2001. ISBN: 9780312393199.
[SP] = Spence, Jonathan D., ed. The Search for Modern China. 3rd ed. W. W. Norton & Company, 2012. ISBN: 9780393934519.
[W] = Williams, Robert F. Negroes with Guns. Martino Fine Books, 2013. ISBN: 9781614274117.
1 | Introductions | No readings or films assigned |
2 | Key Questions, Debates, and Approaches to the Nuclear Age |
Howe, Irving. "This Age of Conformity." Partisan Review 21, no. 1 (1954): 7–33. Isaac, Joel. "The Human Sciences in Cold War America." The Historical Journal 50, no. 3 (2007): 725–46. |
Unit 1 - The Bomb and Atomic Culture |
3 | The Dawn of the Nuclear Age |
Readings[B] Chapter 1: The Whole World Gasped. [B] Chapter 2: The Summons to Action. [B] Chapter 3: The Atomic-Bomb Nightmares and World-Government Dreams. [B] Chapter 4: The Political Agenda of the Scientist's Movement. [B] Chapter 5: 'To the Village Square': The Public Agenda of the Scientist's Movement.
Weiner, Norbert. "A Scientist Rebels." Atlantic Monthly, January 1947.
4 | Duck and Cover: Civil Defense |
FilmThe Atomic Cafe. Directed by Jayne Loader, Kevin Rafferty, and Pierce Rafferty. Color and Black and White, 85 min. 1982. |
5 | Domestic Containment and the Nuclear Family |
Unit 2 - Enemies from Within: The Culture and Politics of Security | ||
6 | McCarthyism and the Red Scare |
Readings[S] Part 1: The Age of McCarthyism. [S] Chapter 5: Communists in Government and the Big Spy Cases. [S] Chapter 6: Atomic Espionage. [S] Chapter 7: The Loyalty-Security Program. [S] Chapter 10: Congressional Committees and Unfriendly Witnesses. [S] Chapter 11: Red-Baiting and Careerism: Joseph McCarthy at Work. [S] Chapter 12: Congressional Investigations and the 'Loss' of China. [S] Chapter 14: Blacklists and Other Economic Sanctions. [S] Chapter 16: The Legacy of McCarthyism. "'Enemies from Within': Senator Joseph R. McCarthy's Accusation of Disloyalty - February 9, 1950," History Matters, George Mason University. "'You Are the Un-Americans, and You Ought to be Ashamed of Yourselves': Paul Robeson Appears Before HUAC - June 12, 1956," History Matters, George Mason University. |
N/A | No Class Meeting |
FilmThe Manchurian Candidate. Directed by John Frankenheimer. Black and White, 126 min. 1962. |
7 | Sex, Gender, and the Lavender Scare |
8 | Psychology in an Age of Anxiety |
Unit 3 - The Military-Industrial-Academic Complex | ||
9 | The Emergence of Computing Technology |
ReadingsBush, Vannevar. "As We May Think." The Atlantic, July 1945.
OptionalIsaacson, Walter. "Walter Isaacson on the Women of ENIAC." Fortune, September 18, 2014. |
10 | Humans, Machines, and the Reorganization of Work |
FilmDesk Set. Directed by Walter Lang. Color, 103 min. 1957. |
11 |
MIT and the Cold War Guest Speaker Professor David Kaiser, MIT |
OptionalKaiser, David. "Turning Physicists into Quantum Mechanics." Physics World 20, no. 5 (2007): 28–33. |
12 | Organization Men and Their Critics |
ReadingsMenand, Louis. "Fat Man: Herman Kahn and the Nuclear Age." The New Yorker, June 27, 2005.
Eisenhower, Dwight D. "Military-Industrial Complex Speech."
Film (optional)Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Directed by Stanley Kubrick. Black and White, 95 min. 1964. |
Unit 4 -The Politics of Space and Race | ||
13 | Suburbanization, White Flight, and Urban Crisis |
Readings[N] Chapter 10.1: Folksinger Lavina Reynolds Critiques Suburbia in Song, 1962. [N] Chapter 10.4: Lewis Mumford Points to the Failures of Modern Suburbia, 1961. [N] Chapter 10.5: Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, 1963.
FilmCrisis in Levittown, PA. Black and White, 31 min. 1957. |
14 | The Malling of America |
ReadingsCohen, Lizabeth. "From Town Center to Shopping Center: The Reconfiguration of Community Marketplaces in Postwar America." American Historical Review 101, no. 4 (1996): 1050–81.
FilmShopping Can Be Fun: A New Concept in Merchandising. Directed by George H. Kelley. Color, 17 min. 1957. |
15 | Race and the Space Race |
Readings"Commentary: Racing the Russians to the Moon," Soul City Times, December 21, 1968. "Commentary: The Not So Great Adventure," Soul City Times, July 26, 1969. "Editorials: Earth First," Milwaukee Star Times, April 27, 1972. "Tougaloo Conference Watches Space Jobs," Mississippi Free Press, January 25, 1964. Petit, Michael D. "Ain't That A Trip? $50 Billion Shot Into Space," Milwaukee Star Times, April 27, 1972.
Thomas, Pat. "Commentary: 'Why Wasn't a Black Astronaut in the Bunch?' Youngster Asks," Soul City Times, July 26, 1969. FilmSpace is the Place. Directed by John Coney. Color, 85 min. 1974. |
Unit 5 - The Global Cold War | ||
16 | The Global Cold War and the Making of Three Worlds |
ReadingsMinh, Ho Chi. "Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam - September 2, 1945," History Matters, George Mason University.
17 |
China's Cold War Guest Lecturer Professor Christopher R. Leighton, MIT |
Readings[SP] Chapter 19.1: Treaty with the Soviet Union, February 1950. [SP] Chapter 20.1: Mao Zedong: 'The Chinese People Cannot Be Cowed by the Atom Bomb,' January 28, 1955. [SP] Chapter 20.2: Mao Zedong: 'U.S. Imperialism is a Paper Tiger,' July 14, 1956. [SP] Chapter 21.5: 'The Origin and Development of the Difference Between The Leadership of the CPSU and Ourselves,' September 6, 1963. [SP] Chapter 23.1: The Shanghai Communiqué: Joint Communiqué. [SP] Chapter 23.2: Deng Xiaoping, Speech at the United Nations, April 10, 1974.
18 | Cold War Civil Rights |
Readings[W] "Prologue." [W] Chapter 1: Self-Defense Prevents Bloodshed. [W] Chapter 2: An NAACP Chapter is Reborn in Militancy. [W] Chapter 5: Self-Defense Prevents a Pogrom: Racists Engineer a Kidnapping Frameup. [W] Chapter 6: The Monroe Case: Conspiracy Against the Negro. Dudziak, Mary L. "Brown as a Cold War Case." Journal of American History 91, no. 1 (2004): 32–42.
Skim[W] Chapter 3: The Struggle for Militancy in the NAACP. [W] Chapter 4: Non-Violence Emboldens the Racists: A Week of Terror. [W] Chapter 7: Self-Defense: An American Tradition. |
Unit 6 - Rebels, Critics, and the End of Consensus | ||
19 | Delinquents and Rebels: The 1950s as Prelude to the 1960s |
Crowther, Bosley. "The Screen: Delinquency; 'Rebel Without Cause' Has Debut at Astor," New York Times, October 27, 1955.
Gilbert, James. "Mass Culture and The Fear of Delinquency: The 1950s." Journal of Early Adolescence 5, no. 4 (1985): 505–16.
Menand, Louis. "Drive, He Wrote." The New Yorker, October 1, 2007. |
20 | The End of Consensus: The Student Movement and the New Left |
Lubar, Steven. "'Do Not Fold, Spindle, or Mutilate': A Cultural History of the Punch Card." Journal of American Culture 15, no. 4 (1992): 43–55. |
21 | Rethinking Nature in a Nuclear Age |
Holden, Constance. "Ehrlich versus Commoner: Environmental Fallout." Science, New Series 177, no. 4045 (1972): 245–47. |
22 | The Return of Fear and the Anti-Nuclear Movement |
ReadingsDavidon, Ann Morrissett. "The U.S. Anti-Nuclear Movement." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 35, no. 10 (1979): 45–48. [Preview with Google Books] Rubinson, Paul. "The Global Effects of Nuclear Winter: Science and Antinuclear Protest in the United States and the Soviet Union during the 1980s." Cold War History 14, no. 1 (2014): 47–69.
Conclusions | ||
23 | Legacies of the Cold War and the Unfolding Nuclear Age |
ReadingsMay, Elaine Tyler. "Security Against Democracy: The Legacy of the Cold War at Home." Journal of American History 97, no. 4 (2011): 939–57. Rogers, Paul. SkimWaters, C.N., James Syvitski, et al. "Can Nuclear Weapons Fallout Mark the Beginning of the Anthropocene Epoch?" Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 71, no. 3 (2015): 46–57. Optionalvan Munster, Rens, and Casper Sylvest. "Pro-Nuclear Environmentalism: Should We Learn to Stop Worrying and Love Nuclear Energy?" Technology and Culture 56, no. 4 (2015): 789–811. |