Chinese I (Spring 2006) | 21F.101/151 |
Chinese II (Spring 2006) | 21F.102/152 |
Chinese III (Fall 2005) | 21F.103 |
Chinese IV (Spring 2006) | 21F.104 |
Front door, Zhenjiang, central China. (Image courtesy of Julian K. Wheatley.)
Dr. Julian K. Wheatley
21G.101 / 21G.151
Spring 2006
Undergraduate / Graduate
This subject is the first semester of two that form an introduction to modern standard Chinese, commonly called Mandarin. Though not everyone taking this course will be an absolute beginner, the course presupposes no prior background in the language. The purpose of this course is to develop:
The main text is Wheatley, J. K. Learning Chinese: A Foundation Course in Mandarin. Part I. (unpublished, but available online). (Part II of the book forms the basis of 21F.102 / 152, which is also published on OpenCourseWare.)
OpenCourseWare now offers a complete sequence of four Chinese language courses, covering beginning to intermediate levels of instruction at MIT. They can be used not just as the basis for taught courses, but also for self-instruction and elementary-to-intermediate review.
The four Chinese subjects provide the following materials: an online textbook in four parts, J. K. Wheatley's Learning Chinese: A Foundation Course in Mandarin; audio files of the main conversational and narrative material in this book; and syllabi and day-by-day schedules for each term.
Chinese I (Spring 2006) | 21F.101/151 |
Chinese II (Spring 2006) | 21F.102/152 |
Chinese III (Fall 2005) | 21F.103 |
Chinese IV (Spring 2006) | 21F.104 |
Julian Wheatley. 21G.101 Chinese I (Regular), Spring 2006. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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