

  1. Determine your theme. Make sure it is reasonably limited.
  2. Each day when specified on the syllabus, submit a short summary—two to four sentences—of 2 bibliographical entries. You may have read something on-line, or a chapter in a book, etc.
  3. Make sure the bibliographical entry uses standard citation practices.
  4. Keep a copy of the articles or chapter you read.

The final presentation will have two parts: oral and written. Some of you will be giving the oral presentation two weeks before the written project is due. That is fine. The final written version will be more extensive than your oral presentation.

Oral Presentation

Each student will prepare (in Spanish) a 7 min. oral presentation with 3-4 minutes for questions.

Criteria for Evaluation

  • Structure
  • Logical organization pattern
  • Powerful introduction
  • Clear key message
  • Use of transitions
  • Powerful conclusion
  • Use of evidence for support

Visual Aids

Only use slides to enhance your oral presentation or to emphasize a few facts. Do not include your narration in your slides.

Written Report

The written report is due in class on the last day of class. It will consist of a two page, double-spaced, 1" margin summary of what you learned about your topic with reference to post-Franco Spain. It will include all your bibliographical entries as well as a copy of the materials on which they were based. Be sure to vary your sources (do not use, for example, only El Mundo.)