Classroom composite of Spanish students. (Image courtesy of Adolfo Plasencia Diago. Used with Permission.)
Douglas Morgenstern
Fall 2003
Each student participates in three group projects (PDF), delivered orally with web presentations supplemented by written reports. These projects (PDF) involve online research about the history, literature, art and music of Spanish-speaking countries, volunteer work in the community with Hispanic children and adults, and the creation of videotaped interviews. We watch current films from Spain and Latin America, and read short stories and plays. There are also group simulation activities (based on ethical or hypothetical scenarios) and visits from Spanish-speaking MIT faculty and students.
A third-year intermediate course designed to improve speaking and writing, with opportunities for vocabulary acquisition, listening comprehension and reading practice as well. Uses literary and cultural readings, films, and group activities. Students give oral reports and participate in discussions and group projects.
Morgenstern, Douglas. 21F.712 Spanish Conversation and Composition, Fall 2003. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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