Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation

An animated GIF of a series of classrooom photos.

Class activities. (Images courtesy of OCW.)


MIT Course Number

21F.223 / 21F.224

As Taught In

Fall 2004


Undergraduate / Graduate

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Course Features

Course Description

This course is designed for high-intermediate ESL students who need to develop better listening comprehension and oral skills, which will primarily be achieved by detailed instructions on pronunciation. Our focus will be on (1) producing accurate and intelligible English, (2) becoming more comfortable listening to rapidly spoken English, and (3) learning common expressions, gambits, and idioms used in both formal and informal contexts.

Yoo, Isaiah. 21F.223 Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation, Fall 2004. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

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