This Course at MIT

This Course at MIT pages provide context for how the course materials published on OCW were used at MIT. They are part of the OCW Educator initiative, which seeks to enhance the value of OCW for educators.

Course Overview

This page focuses on the course 21F.053 Understanding Contemporary French Politics as it was taught by Professor Bruno Perreau in Spring 2014.

The course examines contemporary French politics, culture and social life from 1958 to the present. Students give speeches and participate in debates and a mock presidential election.

Course Outcomes

Course Goals for Students

Students may take the course in order to

  • discover French institutions and understand the impact of political issues in contemporary France;
  • grow in terms of public speech, develop their ability to synthesize and argue in writing;
  • learn how to develop a network of supporters and allies.

The class attracts students who

  • want to learn more about French society and culture in preparation for a visit or internship;
  • are interested in learning more about politics, especially to acquire another understanding of the American regime through the study of a different governmental system.

Curriculum Information


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Requirements Satisfied

HASS Social Sciences CI-M


Taught during the spring semester, this course is not offered regularly.

The Classroom

  • Classroom 14N-217 view of student desks and back of classroom from faculty point of view.


    Flat classroom with a capacity of 25, included modern tablet arm chairs, computer, monitor, LCD projector, screen, wireless network. (Image courtesy of Shannon Larkin.)



The students' grades were based on the following activities:

The color used on the preceding chart which represents the percentage of the total grade contributed by a speech. 20% One ten-minute speech
The color used on the preceding chart which represents the percentage of the total grade contributed by historical notes. 30% Three historical notes
The color used on the preceding chart which represents the percentage of the total grade contributed by a political statement. 40% Six-page political statement
The color used on the preceding chart which represents the percentage of the total grade contributed by a presidential debate. 10% One-hour presidential debate

Student Information

Approximately 12 students take this course each time it is offered.

Breakdown by Year

Mainly juniors and seniors, but varies from year to year.

Typical Student Background

Many students who have taken the course were interested in public speech, debate, influencing others, French society and culture, or who returned or will travel to France, and those interested in studying a different political system.


How Student Time Was Spent

During an average week, students were expected to spend 12 hours on the course, roughly divided as follows:

In Class

3 hours per week
  • Met 1 time per week for 3 hours per session
  • Sessions were divided between student speeches related to weekly issues, film screenings, and debates

Out of Class

9 hours per week

Student work included readings, research, writing historical notes, a political statement, preparing speeches and for debates.


Semester Breakdown

1 No classes throughout MIT. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. Class session scheduled. No session scheduled.
2 No session scheduled. No session scheduled; assignment due date. No session scheduled. Class session scheduled. No session scheduled.
3 No classes throughout MIT; assignment due date. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. Class session scheduled. No session scheduled.
4 No session scheduled; assignment due date. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. Class session scheduled. No session scheduled.
5 No session scheduled; assignment due date. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. Class session scheduled. No session scheduled.
6 No session scheduled. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. No session scheduled.
7 No session scheduled; assignment due date. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. Class session scheduled. No session scheduled.
8 No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT.
9 No session scheduled; assignment due date. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. Class session scheduled. No session scheduled.
10 No session scheduled; assignment due date. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. Class session scheduled. No session scheduled.
11 No session scheduled; assignment due date. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. Class session scheduled; assignment due date. No session scheduled.
12 No classes throughout MIT; assignment due date. No classes throughout MIT. No session scheduled. Class session scheduled. No session scheduled.
13 No session scheduled. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. No session scheduled; assignment due date. No session scheduled.
14 No session scheduled. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. In class debate. No session scheduled.
15 No session scheduled. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. No session scheduled. No classes throughout MIT.
16 No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT. No classes throughout MIT.
Displays the color and pattern used on the preceding table to indicate dates when classes are not held at MIT. No classes throughout MIT
Displays the color used on the preceding table to indicate dates when class sessions are held. Class session
Displays the symbol used on the preceding table to indicate assignment due dates. Assignment due date
Displays the color used on the preceding table to indicate dates when no class session is scheduled. No class session scheduled
Displays the color used on the preceding table to indicate dates when in class debates are held. In class debate