Topics in Culture and Globalization

People dancing and playing drums.

N'Zérékoré, Guinea celebrates Internet connectivity. (Image courtesy of U.S. Agency for Intenational Development.)


MIT Course Number

21F.035 / 21F.037

As Taught In

Fall 2003


Undergraduate / Graduate

Translated Versions


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Course Features

Course Description

The concept of globalization fosters the understanding of the interconnectedness of cultures and societies geographically wide apart; America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Subject scans existing debates over globalization around the world. This course explores how globalization impacts everyday life in the First and Third World; how globalization leads to a common cosmopolitan culture; the emergence of a global youth culture; and religious, social, and political movements that challenge globalization. Materials examined include pop music, advertisements, film posters, and political cartoons.

Other OCW Versions

The specific topics covered in this subject vary from year to year, such as reggae, hip-hop, transnational media, and "cool."

Condry, Ian. 21F.035 Topics in Culture and Globalization, Fall 2003. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

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