Code Snippets
The following files contain simple scripts that may be helpful in writing Interactive C programs.
bkandfd: menu program that oscillates motor 3 smoothly between full forward and backward (C)
both: turn on two motors at once (C)
bumper: control motor power with the knob (C)
claw1: open a claw, using a sensor to check when it's fully open (C)
hbexpl: while start_button, use knob to control motor 3; while stop_botton, use knob to control beeper (C)
irtest: demo ir input (C)
musictmpl: play music with the handyboard, within template (C)
parallel: example of multiple processes (C)
sample: very simple example of using switches to control a robot (C)
slow: show how to use the buttons and knobs to control a motor (C)
sup: show all speeds of a motor (C)
Robot Controllers
arm.chad: example hand and arm control logic (C)
cart: robot with front, back, and side sensors, two drive motors and a claw (C)
circles: draw circles on a plotter (C)
claw.alexis: logic for opening a claw fully or a given amount (C)
fencing: spring-simulation fencing controller (C)
ghost: maze robot control, robot bounces off and follow walls (C)
hand: grasping hand with a breakbeam sensor (C)
legoprog: controller for a claw robot that removes objects from its path (C)
line: line-following robot with two downward-facing reflectance sensors (C)
pneum: simple user-controlled claw robot (C)
steer: simple handyboard control for a "turn right or left" steering robot (C)
video: use libraries to process video to identify the locations of two robots on a board (C)
legocomp: base code for a two-team IR competition (C)
melee: output ir codes for helping two teamed robots battle (C)
rec-ir: use an IR communication system to tell two robots about eachother's position (C)
claw: control a class with a TV remote control, or with four potentiometers (C)
feedback: control a servo motor with different kinds of feedback (C)
music: incomplete re-work of the handyboard music system (C)
read-ir: record values from the IR sensor and print them (C)
svtest1: use the sv library to capture (C)
switchboard: control four motors with four potentiometers (C)
template: control all operations of the handyboard with a menu system (C)
hbirtest: tool to read IR data and report basic statistics (C)
varymot: use the knob to control the power to motor (C)