[HE] = Humes, Edward. Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair With Trash. Avery, 2012. ISBN: 9781583335239.
[LP] = Feng, Lydia G. H., and Paul E. Rosenfeld. Risks of Hazardous Wastes. William Andrew Publishing, 2011. ISBN: 9781437778427.
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[HE] Chapters 2 and 12. Louis, Garrick E. "A Historical Context of Municipal Solid Waste Management in the United States." Waste Management & Research 22, no. 4 (2004): 306–22. Coopman, Piet. "Extended Producer Responsibility: Getting It Right." Waste Management World, May 2015. Chikarmane, Poornima, and Anjor Bhaskar. "Messing Around with Waste." Infochange: Urban India, July 2014. |
12 | Arnstein, Sherry R. "A Ladder of Citizen Participation." Journal of the American Institute of Planners 35, no. 4 (1969): 216–24. | Cornwall, A. "Unpacking 'Participation': Models, Meanings and Practices." Community Development Journal 43, no. 3 (2008): 269–83. |
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Song, R. C., X. F. Sun, et al. "Application and Prospection of Internet of Things Technology in Waste Management." Applied Mechanics and Materials 768 (2015): 797–803. |
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Chandler, David L. "3 Questions: Randolph Kirchain on the Spread of Electronic Waste," MIT News, December 17, 2013. Olivetti, Elsa, Jeremy Gregory, et al. | |
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[LP] Chapter 12: Current Practices in Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal, pp. 155–68. [LP] Chapter 1: Definition of Hazardous Waste, pp. 1–10. And choose one case to briefly present about in class. Couto, Nuno, Valter Silva, et al. "Hazardous Waste Management in Portugal." Energy Procedia 36 (2013): 607–11. Blumenfeld, Sigal. "Location of Hazardous Materials Plants in Israel." Journal of Risk Research 16, no. 7 (2013): 921–35. Duan, Huabo, Qifei Huang, et al. "Hazardous Waste Generation and Management in China: A Review." Journal of Hazardous Materials 158, no. 2–3 (2008): 221–7. |
Fasken, Kevin, and Todd Houts. "Commonly Overlooked Wastes." Journal of Chemical Health and Safety 17, no. 6 (2010): 8–12. Elimelech, E., O. Ayalon, et al. "Hazardous Waste Management and Weight-based Indicators—The Case of Haifa Metropolis." Journal of Hazardous Materials 185, no. 2–3 (2011): 626–33. |
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Carr, Carlin. "Untouchable to Indispensable: The Dalit Women Revolutionising Waste in India," The Guardian, July 1, 2014. France, Anna Kaziunas. "Wealth From Waste: Protoprint's Fair-Trade 3D Printer Filament." Make: We are All Makers, February 2014. Swach. "About Us." 2013. (Last modified) | |
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[LP] Chapter 14: Introduction to Human Exposure, Toxicology, and Risk Assessment, pp. 185–99. Slack, R., and T. M. Letcher. "Chemicals in Waste: Household Hazardous Waste." WASTE: A Handbook of Waste Management and Recycling (2011): 181–95. Exercise Before ClassTake 15 minutes and take photos of different household hazardous waste streams in your house | |
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Emgin, Bahar. "Trashion: The Return of the Disposed." Design Issues 28, no. 1 (2012): 63–71. Köhler, Andreas R. "Challenges for Eco-design of Emerging Technologies: The Case of Electronic Textiles." Materials & Design 51 (2013): 51–60. | |
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Storey, Donovan, Santucci Lorenzo, et al. "Designing Effective Partnerships for Waste-to-Resource Initiatives: Lessons Learned from Developing Countries." Waste Management & Research 33, no. 12 (2015): 1066–75. Slater, Rachel, J. Frederickson, et al. "A Critical Evaluation of Partnerships in Municipal Waste Management in England." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 51, no. 3 (2007): 643–64. Marconsin, Adauto Fernandes, and Derval dos Santos Rosa. "A Comparison of Two Models for Dealing with Urban Solid Waste: Management by Contract and Management by Public-private Partnership." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 74 (2013): 115–23. Chikarmane, Poornima. |