
SES # Topics
General Topics
1 Causation and Empirical Strategies to Estimate Causal Relationships
2 Externalities, Pigovian Taxes, and the Coasian Solution
3 Defining Welfare Changes and Cost-Benefit Analysis
Environmental Economics
4 Valuation of Nonmarket Goods with an Emphasis on Environmental Goods: Hedonic Method (Theory)
5 Valuation of Nonmarket Goods with an Emphasis on Environmental Goods: Hedonic Method (Applications to Housing Markets)
6 Valuation of Nonmarket Goods with an Emphasis on Environmental Goods: Hedonic Method (Applications to the Value of a Statistical Life)
7 Valuation of Nonmarket Goods with an Emphasis on Environmental Goods: The Health Effects Approach (Theory)
8 Valuation of Nonmarket Goods with an Emphasis on Environmental Goods: The Health Effects Approach (Estimating Dose-Response Relationships)
9 Valuation of Nonmarket Goods with an Emphasis on Environmental Goods: The Heath Effects Approach (Empirical Estimates of Avoidance Behavior)
10 Valuation of Nonmarket Goods with an Emphasis on Environmental Goods: The Household Production Function Approach
11 Valuation of Nonmarket Goods with an Emphasis on Environmental Goods: Locational Equilibrium and Other "Structural" Approaches
12 Environmental Policy Instruments: Prices vs. Quantities, Permits and Trading
13 Environmental Policy Instruments: Public Goods and Externalities, Inspections and Fines, Voluntary Regulations
14 Costs of Environmental Regulations: Indirect and Direct Measurement, Double Dividend Hypothesis
15 Policy Application: Climate Change
16 Topics at the Intersection of Environmental and Development Economics
Regulation of Other Markets
17 Regulation of Financial Markets
18 Regulation of Labor Markets: US Labor Market Regulations, Regulation of Labor Markets in Europe and Developing Countries

Workplace Safety Regulations
19 Offsetting Behavior in the Context of Traffic Safety


Other Regulations
20-26 Student Presentations