
Lec # Topics
Public Goods
1 Voluntary Private Provision of Public Goods and Private Charity
2 Efficient Public Goods Provision
3 Income Tax Deduction of Charitable Donations
Tax Treatment of Estates
4 Background

Individual Motivation

5 Taxing Gifts to Individuals
6 Estate Taxes
Social Security
7 Social Insurance Theory
8 Within Cohort Theoretical Models
9 Social Security, Saving, and Benefit Adequacy Issues
10 Social Security and Labor Supply
11 Social Security in OLG Growth Models
12 Social Security Reform: Overview and Political Economy
Unemployment Insurance
13 Unemployment Insurance - Theory
14 Unemployment Insurance and Worker Behavior
15 Unemployment Insurance and Firm Behavior
Workers' Compensation
16 Workers' Compensation Issues
Disability Insurance
17 Disability Insurance Issues
Government Redistributional Programs
18 Traditional Cash Welfare
19 Effects of Welfare Reform
Government Intervention in Health Insurance Markets
20 Health Insurance, Moral Hazard, and Adverse Selection
21 Medicaid, the Uninsured, and Long Term Care
22 Medicare and Provider Issues
23 Health Insurance and the Labor Market
24 Health Externalities - Smoking