The lecture notes below cover topics in the same order as those listed on the calendar.
1-2 | Introduction and a first application: the minimum wage debate and causal inference in economics | (PDF) |
3 | Axioms of consumer preference and the theory of choice | (PDF) |
4 | Theory of choice and individual demand | (PDF) |
5 | The expenditure function: an application to the economics of food stamps | (PDF) |
6 | Compensated and uncompensated demand functions with an application to Giffen goods | (PDF) |
7 | Revealed preference and consumer welfare | (PDF) |
8 | Applying consumer theory to competitive markets: the U.S. sugar program. | (PDF) |
9 | Applied competitive analysis, a second example: real estate markets | (PDF) |
10 | General equilibrium in a pure exchange economy | (PDF) |
11 | International trade and the principle of comparative advantage | (PDF) |
12 | The gains from international trade: aggregate evidence and distributional consequences | (PDF) |
13 | Externalities, the Coase theorem and market remedies | (PDF) |
14 | Uncertainty, expected utility theory and the market for risk | (PDF) |
15 | Risk, safety regulation and the value of a statistical life | (PDF) |
16 | Adverse selection, risk aversion and insurance markets | (PDF) |
17 | Private information, adverse selection and market failure | (PDF) |
18 | Education, human capital, and labor market signaling | (PDF) |