1 |
Introduction (PDF - 1.0 MB) |
2 |
Transition to turbulence (PDF) |
3 |
Statistics and turbulence (PDF) |
4-7 |
Convection (PDF) |
Page 5: planforms Page 7: growth rate surfaces Page 7: stability bndry Page 9: lorenz eqns tau=0 Page 9: lorenz eqns tau=10 Page 11: mfa Page 11: 2d Page 12: rough surfaces Page 13: finite amp Page 14: surface convection Page 15: thermals Page 15: thermals in stratification Page 16: plumes Page 16: plumes in stratification
8 |
Atmospheric convection (PDF - 2.0 MB) (Courtesy of Prof. Kerry Emanuel. Used with permission.) |
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3D turbulence (PDF) |
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3D turbulence and tracers (PDF) |
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Closure schemes for 3D turbulence (PDF) |
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Ocean turbulence |
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Ocean turbulence (double diffusions) |
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Two-dimensional turbulence (PDF) |
Page 2: 2d Page 2: statistics Page 2: averages Page 3: mean k Page 5: point vortex simulations Page 7: vortex waves Page 7: vortices in shear Page 8: vortices in neighbor field
15-16 |
QG turbulence (PDF) |
Page 4: means Page 5: two vertical mode case Page 6: example Page 6: resonance Page 7: resonance-angle Page 7: resonance-modes
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Particle dispersion and drift (PDF) |
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Tracer turbulence (PDF) |
effective diffusivity in a channel
effective diffusivity in the troposphere and lower stratosphere
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Transformed Eulerian mean (PDF) |
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Mean-field approximation |
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Active tracer transport (PDF) |
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Boundary layer turbulence (PDF) |