StarFestival CD Cover. (Courtesy of Prof. Shigeru Miyagwa.)
Prof. Shigeru Miyagawa
CMS.930 / 21F.034
Fall 2001
This course features a complete set of video lectures. The lectures include talks by a variety of educators and visionaries addressing the course themes.
How can we harness the emerging forms of interactive media to enhance the learning process? Professor Miyagawa and prominent guest speakers will explore a broad range of issues on new media and learning - technical, social, and business. Concrete examples of use of media will be presented as case studies. One major theme, though not the only one, is that today's youth, influenced by video games and other emerging interactive media forms, are acquiring a fundamentally different attitude towards media. Media is, for them, not something to be consumed, but also to be created. This has broad consequences for how we design media, how the young are taught in schools, and how mass media markets will need to adjust.
Miyagawa, Shigeru. CMS.930 Media, Education, and the Marketplace, Fall 2001. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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