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Introduction to Digital Humanities Sample DH Projects In–Class Activity
ReadingsSchnapp, Jeffrey. "Digital Humanities Fundamentals" and "The Project as Basic Unit." In A Short Guide to the Digital_Humanities. SG2–SG5.
AssignmentsAssignment 1 (PDF) |
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Data Mining of Open Content: The Artbot Project Guest Speakers: Desi Gonzalez and Liam Andrew from the CMS / Hyperstudio Data Mining and NER Exercises |
ReadingsBush, Vannevar. "As We May Think." The Atlantic, July 1945. AssignmentsTools |
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Humanities Data: The Comedie–Française Registers Project (CFRP) From Written Records to Humanities Data Guest Speaker: Jeff Ravel, MIT History Department |
Readingsboyd, danah, and Kate Crawford. "Six Provocations for Big Data." A Decade in Internet Time: Symposium on the Dynamics of the Internet and Society, September 2011. AssignmentsToolsDiverse basic Visualization Tools |
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Databases and Structures Narratives and Filters Work with CRFP Data |
ReadingsBlair, Ann. "Information Overload: Then and Now." The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 28, 2010.
AssignmentsTools |
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GIS / Location Data Visualization I (Spatial Mapping) Data and its Interpretations Discussion of Final Projects |
ReadingsDrucker, Johanna. "Humanities Approaches to Graphical Display." Digital Humanities Quarterly 5, no. 1 (2011).
AssignmentsMoby Dick Mapping Materials (ZIP - 35.6MB) (This ZIP package contains 5 .jpeg files, 2 .txt files, 1 .ppt file, 1 .doc file, 1 .xls file, and 1 HTML document.) Tools |
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Data Visualization II (Time Mapping) Discussion of Final Projects (cont.) |
Few, Stephen. AssignmentsTools |
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Curation: From Museum Curation to Digital Curation Guest Speaker: Kristen Gresh, Photography Curator, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Selection of Final Projects |
ReadingsChitty, Andrew. "London Re-cut: Reclaiming History through the Co-curated Remixing of Film." Curator: The Museum Journal 54, no. 4 (October 2011): 413-418.
Assignments |
8 | Spring Break–No Class |
AssignmentWork on Final Project Pitch Explore Ieraction between Technology and Public Spaces |
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Augmented Space and Design Process I Final Project Pitches Guest Speaker: Halsey Burgund, Artist and Mobile Developer |
ReadingsManovich, Lev. "The Poetics of Augmented Space." 2012. Alexander, Jane, Jake Barton, et al. "Transforming the Art Museum Experience: Gallery One." MW2013: Museums and the Web 2013: The Annual Conference of Museums and the Web. April 17–20, 2013. "Human Centered Design Toolkit." Design Thinking Blog Listening. Assignments |
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Design Process II: Prototyping and Wireframing Guest Speaker: Frederico Casalegno, Mobile Experience Lab |
Medero, Shawn. "Paper Prototyping." A List Apart. January 23, 2007. Assignments |
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Digital Humanities Debates, Frontiers, and Future Final Project In–Class Work Time | |
12 | Guest Speaker: Andy Stuhl, Digital Sound Studies & Sound Projects |
13 | Final Project In–Class Work Time |
14 | Final Project In–Class Work Time (cont.) | |
15 | Final Presentations |