1 |
Introductions Course overview What is a "science essay"? |
Homework 1 (PDF) Read 1st set of essays, reflections on science: Lightman, "Smile"; Thomas, "Crickets, Cats Bats and Chaos"; Doyle, "Joyas Voladoras"; Weed, "106 Science Claims . . ." Letter to me |
2 |
Audience: grabbing the reader Literary techniques: scenes, imagery, characters . . . Voice and tone Science and life—the "non-quantifiable" |
Homework 2 (PDF) Read 2nd set of essays, on "doing science": Kanigel, from The Man Who Knew Infinity ; Hirsh, "Signs of Life"; Sacks, "Remembering Francis Crick"; Kolbert, "Crash Course" |
3 |
Context Why do science? Who does science? The writer as a "character" in his essay |
Homework 3 (PDF) Essay 1: reading response |
4 |
Workshop essay 1 The home science essay; Natalie Angier, "Red" |
Homework 4 (PDF) Essay 2: home science |
5 | Workshop essay 2 |
Homework 5 (PDF) Cover sheet for essay 2 workshop responses (PDF) Read 3rd set of essays, on scientific controversies: Orr, "Devolution"; Shreeve, "The Other Stem-Cell Debate." Note: These essays are for discussion in Lec #7 Prep for workshop with Malden High School |
6 | Workshop "home science" with Malden HS |
Homework 6 (PDF) Read 4th set of essays, on scientific myths: Gopnik, "American Electric"; Singham, "The Copernican Myths"; Gould, "A Division of Worms." Note: These essays are for discussion in Lec #8. Select a book to review—title due next class |
7 |
Writing scientific controversies The question of fairness Making complexity clear Asking the right questions |
Homework 7 (PDF) Revise essay 2 |
8 |
Science v. myth What's at stake? Making complexity clear Prewriting for essay 3, life/science or social impact . . . |
Homework 8 (PDF) Read 5th set of essays, on the challenges of medical science: Patterson, "The Patient Predator"; Gawande, "Desperate Measures" |
9 |
Public health and individual patients Involving the reader |
Homework 9 (PDF) Read 6th set of essays, on the social impact of science and technology: Gladwell, "John Rock's Error"; Lightman, "Prisoner of the Wired World" and Seabrook, "Fragmentary Knowledge." Note: These 2 essays are for discussion in Lec #11. |
10 |
The Pill: TV program as science essay, part I Discuss The Pill and "John Rock's Error" |
Homework 10 (PDF) Prepare to present paragraph proposal for essay 3, life/science or social impact. . . |
11 |
Technology and culture Hear proposals for essay 3 |
Homework 11 (PDF) Essay 3: life/science or social impact. . . |
12 | Workshop essay 3 | Work on essay 4 |
13 | Workshop essay 3 (cont.) |
Homework 13 (PDF) Read 4 book reviews [handouts] Finish reading your chosen book |
14 |
Book review as essay Tight focus and wide significance The language of judgment |
Homework 14 (PDF) Revise essay 3 Cover sheet for revision (PDF) Read Overbye, "Remembrance of Things Future" and Pollan, "Unhappy Meals" |
15 |
Strategizing the longer research essay Questions about essay 4, book review? |
Homework 15 (PDF) Essay 4: book review Essay 4 books list (PDF) |
16 | Workshop essay 4 (PDF) |
Homework 16 (PDF) Proposal for essay 5 |
17 | Workshop essay 4 (cont.) |
Homework 17 (PDF) Work on essay 5; revise proposal |
18 | Present proposals for essay 5 |
Homework 18 (PDF) Revise essay 4 - due next class Prepare to present proposal paragraph for essay 5 |
19 | TV program as science essay, part II: Origins (video and discussion) |
Homework 19 (PDF) Outline essay 5 or write introduction |
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Share outlines/intros in small groups Individual conferences for essay 5 |
Homework 20 (PDF) Essay 5; complete draft to be emailed to class before the next class |
21 | Workshop essay 5 (PDF) | Breathe! |
22 | Workshop essay 5 (cont.) |
Continue to work on essay 5 Respond to your classmates workshop comments in writing |
23 | Work on re-revision |
Homework 23 (PDF) Re-revise one essay from essays 2-4 Cover sheet for re-revision (PDF) |
24 | Guest speakers: Robert Kanigel and Marcia Bartusiak of MIT's Graduate Program in Science Writing |
Work on revision of essay 5 and re-revision of essays 2-4 as needed Begin pulling portfolio together |
25 | Watch science documentary: ![]() |
Homework 25 (PDF) Re-revise essay 5 for Portfolio Write portfolio cover letter Bring 1-2 paragraphs of science writing — writing from a science essay — that strikes you as especially good. Prepare to read it aloud and explain what you value in the writing. Your excerpt may be from something we've read from class, or not. |
26 |
Hear favorite essays and discuss Course evaluations |