
Student examples appear courtesy of MIT students and are published anonymously unless otherwise requested.

Assignment 1: One Writer's Beginnings (PDF)

Student Examples

"One Writer's Beginnings" (PDF)

"The Rise and Decline of a Love of Writing" (PDF)


Assignment 2: Looking—at MIT (PDF)

Student Examples

"A Maze of Computation" (PDF)

"Ode to Bob Marley" (PDF)


Assignment 3: On the Road to MIT (PDF)

Student Examples

"Curtain Call" (PDF)

"Transition" (PDF)


Assignment 4: The Personal Investigative Essay (PDF)

Student Example

"Spontaneous Collaboration" (PDF)


Assignment 5: MIT Stories (PDF)

Student Examples

"The Escape" (PDF)

"Silence" (PDF)


Assignment 6: One Writer's Beginnings, Part II (PDF)

Student Examples

"One Writer's Beginnings, Part II" (PDF)

"A Renewed Take on Writing" (PDF)

"This is 'the Fun of Writing'" (PDF)