
Lec # 2004 LECTURE NOTE topics 2002 full note topics Block I: Introduction / Philosophy / Basic Transportation Systems Concepts 1 Introduction: Context, Concepts, and Characterization Introduction: Context, Concepts, and Characterization 2-3 Transportation System Components: An Internal and External Perspective

Transportation System Components: An Internal Perspective

Transportation System Components: An External Perspective

The Customer and Level-of-Service

4 Article for Discussion Networks 5-10 Transportation Systems: 30 Key Points

Transportation Systems: Key Points 1-10

Transportation Systems: Key Points 11-17

Transportation Systems: Key Points 18-24

Transportation Systems: Key Points 25-30

Models and Frameworks

Modeling Concepts

Block II: Freight Transportation 11-18 Freight 

Rail Freight

The Logistics System and Freight Level-of-Service

Railroads: Introductory Concepts

Railroad Operations

Railroad Terminals: P-MAKE Analysis to Predict Network Performance

Car Costs and Level-of-Service

The Kwon Model--Power, Freight Car Fleet Size, and Service Priorities: A Simulation Application

Measuring Origin-Destination Service and Other Rail Issues


Ocean Shipping, International Freight, and Freight Summary

Block III: Traveler Transportation 19-27 Traveler Transportation and Summary

Traveler Transportation: Introduction

Commuting, Non-work Travel and Safety, and Some Transportation History

Traveler Level-of-Service

Intelligent Transportation Systems

The Urban Transportation Planning Process and Real-Time Network Control

Traffic Signals and Other Control Measures

Deterministic Queuing

Urban Public Transportation

Intercity Traveler Transportation: Air

Intercity Traveler Transportation: Rail

Block IV: Summary 28 Summary Summary