Required Books
[Barnouw] = Barnouw, Eric. Documentary: A History of the Non-fiction Film. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 1993. ISBN: 9780195078985. [Preview with Google Books]
[Ascher & Pincus] = Ascher, Steven, and Edward Pincus. The Filmmaker's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age: 2013 Edition. Plume Publishers/Penguin, 2012. ISBN: 9780452297289.
[Brenneis & Wohl] = Brenneis, Lisa, and M. Wohl. Final Cut Pro X: Visual QuickStart Guide. Peachpit Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780321774668. [Preview with Google Books]
LEC 1 | Introduction: Doing science and making documentary-film |
The Documentary Form
Early Film
Recommended For Graduate StudentsLandecker, Hannah. "Microcinematography and the History of Science and Film." Isis 97, no. 1: (2006): 121–32. |
LAB 1 | Introduction to the camera with in-class exercise |
Optional Background[Ascher & Pincus] Chapter 1 in "Introduction to Video and Film Systems" and chapter 3 in "The Video Camcorder." | |
LEC 2 | Documentary and ways of seeing |
Nanook of the North. Directed by Robert Flaherty. Black & white, 79 min. 1922. [Full length video at] The Man with a Movie Camera. Directed by Dziga Vertov. Black & white, 68 min. 1929. [Full length video at] Optional ClipsNanook Revisited. Directed by Claude Massot. Color, 60 min. Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 1990. [Clip]
Required[Barnouw] Chapter 1 in "Glimpse of Wonders" and chapter 2 in "Images at Work." Additional Reading Required for Graduate students, and Background for Essay Assignment
Bordwell, David. "The Idea of Montage in Soviet Art and Film." Cinema Journal 11, no. 2 (1972): 9–17.
LAB 2 |
Screen camera exercises Introduction to sound with in-class exercise |
Optional Background[Ascher & Pincus] Chapter 10 in "Sound Recording Systems" and chapter 11 in "Sound Recording Techniques." | |
LEC 3 | Science and seeing |
Excerpt from "The Trigger Effect." Episode 1 in Connections. Directed by Mick Jackson, narrated by James Burke. 10 volumes, 5 DVDs. BBC/Time-Life, 1978. ( Frames of Reference. Directed by Richard Leacock. Black & white, 26 min. 1960. [Full length video at] Selected clips from films by Harold "Doc" Edgerton, drawn from collections in Edgerton Digital Archives and MIT TechTV
Recommended for Graduate StudentsHaraway, Donna. "
LAB 3 | Exercise: Infinite Corridor walk | ||
LEC 4 | Ethnographic film as science and beyond: from narration to dialogue |
Bathing Baby in Three Cultures. Directed by Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson. Black & white, 10 min. 1951. Under the Men's Tree. Directed by David and Judith MacDougall. Black & white, 15 min. Berkeley Media, 1970. Joe Leahy's Neighbors. Directed by Bob Connolly and Robin Anderson. Color, 1988. 90 min.
Recommended for Graduate Students
LAB 4 | Production exercise: shoot a scene with sound and picture |
Optional Background[Brenneis and Wohl] Chapter 1 in "Welcome to Final Cut Pro." [Ascher & Pincus] Chapter 14 in "Editing Video." | |
LEC 5 | Ethnographic film: the work of Jean Rouch |
Jaguar. Directed by Jean Rouch. Color, 93 min. 1967.
Chronicle of a Summer. Directed by Jean Rouch. Black and White, 85 min. 1961. |
RequiredTaylor, Lucien. "A Conversation with Jean Rouch." Visual Anthropology Review 7, no. 1 (1991): 92–102. Feld, Steve. "Themes in the Cinema of Jean Rouch." Visual Anthropology 2, no.3-4 (1989): 223–47. Recommended for Graduate Students
LAB 5 | Introduction to editing | ||
LEC 6 | Filmmaking as process; Direct Cinema |
Primary. Directed by Robert Drew, Richard Leacock, D. A. Pennebaker, Terence McCartney-Filgate and Albert Maysles. Black & white, 60 min. 1960. Titicut Follies. Directed by Frederick Wiseman. Black & white, 75 min. Zipporah Films, 1968.
RequiredDirect Cinema filmmaker kin chart (PDF) [Barnouw] "Observer" and "Catalyst", pp. 231–62.
Recommended for Graduate Students
Leacock, Richard. "For an Uncontrolled Cinema." Film Culture no. 22/23 (1961): 23–5.
LAB 6 | Screen Lab 5 editing homework | ||
LEC 7 | The Interview: Errol Morris' window onto science |
A Brief History of Time. Directed by Errol Morris. Color, 50 min. DVD. The Science Channel, 1991. [Link includes short clip]
Recommended for Graduate Students
Grundmann, Roy, and Cynthia Rockwell. "Truth is Not Subjective: An Interview with Errol Morris." Cineaste 25, no. 3 (2000): 4. |
LAB 7 |
Screen Lab 6 Direct Cinema homework Interviewing techniques | ||
LEC 8 | New directions in ethnographic film: Sensory ethnographic approaches |
Foreign Parts. Directed by Verena Paravel and J. P. Sniadecki. Color, 80 min. 2010. [Filmaker's website with synopsis]
Recommended for Graduate StudentsCarter, Erica. "Introduction." In Bela Balazs: Early Film Theory: 'Visible Man' and 'The Spirit of Film'. Berghahn Press, 2010. ISBN: 9781845456603. [Preview with Google Books]
LAB 8 |
Screen Lab 7 interview homework Present 3 ideas for final projects | ||
LEC 9 | Reflecting (on) Nature: The power of documentary narrative |
Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom
Planet Earth. BBC, Directed by Alastair Fothergill. Color, 44 min. 2006. |
Recommended for Graduate Students
LAB 9 | Present final film project ideas | ||
LEC 10 | Science and the environment: alternative ways of knowing |
Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change. Directed by Zack Kunuk. 2010. [Full length film in streaming and download formats] Gasland. Directed by Josh Fox. Color, 107 min. 2010. |
Excerpts from Wylie, S. A. "Corporate Bodies and Chemical Bonds : An STS Analysis of Natural Gas Development in the United States." Ph.D. thesis, MIT, 2011. Recommended for Graduate StudentsCallison, Candis. "Only on CNN": Climate Change, Media and Inuit Traditional Knowledge." Chapter 2 in unpublished dissertation, MIT HASTS Program, 2010.
LAB 10 | Introduction to lighting (with guest instructor David Tames) | ||
LEC 11 | Picturing science: The personal, the political and the virtual |
A Healthy Baby Girl. Directed by Judith Helfand. Color, 57 min. 1997. Lumumba: Death of a Prophet. Directed by Raoul Peck. 69 min. Velvet Film, 1992. Life 2.0. Directed by Jason Spingarn-Koff. Color, 100 min. 2010. |
Required[Barnouw] Chapter 3 in "Advocate", and Chapter 5 in "Guerilla."
Recommended for Graduate Students
LAB 11 | New online interactive documentary formats | ||
LEC 12 | Documentary filmmaking as process | Screening of work-in-progress film Exit Zero, produced and written by Christine Walley and Chris Boebel; directed and edited by Chris Boebel. |
Recommended for Graduate Students
LEC 13 | Other worlds: From science fact to science fiction and back again |
In the Shadow of the Moon. Directed by David Sington. Color, 100 min. Discovery Films/ThinkFilm, 2007.
Selections from Star Trek, the original TV series. |
Recommended for Graduate Students
LAB 12 | Screen rough cuts of final projects (1/2 class); continue editing in the MIT New Media Center | ||
LEC 14 | Editing of final projects; individual meetings | ||
LAB 13 | Editing of final projects; individual meetings (cont.) | ||
LEC 15 | Screen final projects |