1 | Introduction to the Course | |
2 | Introduction to Basic Issues | [Fadiman]. pp. 3–105. |
3 | "Irrational" Beliefs in Disease Causation and Treatment | [Fadiman]. pp. 106–80. |
4 | "Irrational" Beliefs, Continued | [Fadiman]. pp. 181–288. |
5 | Symbolic Healing and Harming |
Brown, Michael. "Shamanism and its Discontents." In Health and Healing in Comparative Perspective. Edited by Elizabeth Whitaker. Pearson, 2005, pp. 95–108. ISBN: 9780131273832. [Originally in Brown, Michael Fobes. "Shamanism and its Discontents." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 2, no. 2 (1988): 102–20]. Ong, Aihwa. "The Production of Possession: Spirits and the Multinational Corporation in Malaysia." American Ethnologist 15, no. 1 (1987): 28–42. Csordas, Thomas. "Elements of Charismatic Persuasion and Healing." In A Reader in Medical Anthropology: Theoretical Trajectories, Emergent Realities. Edited by Byron Good, et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp. 91–107. ISBN: 9781405183147. Miner, Horace. "Body Ritual among the Nacirema." American Anthropologist 58, no. 3 (1956): 503–7.
6 | The Cultural Construction of Disease |
Favret-Saada, Jeanne. "Unbewitching as Therapy." American Ethnologist 16, no. 1 (1989): 40–56. Wikan, Unni. "Managing the Heart to Brighten Face and Soul: Emotions in Balinese Morality and Health Care." American Ethnologist 16, no. 2 (1989): 294–312. Davis, Dona. "The Cultural Constructions of the Premenstrual and Menopause Syndromes." In Gender and Health: An International Perspective. Edited by Carolyn Sargent and Caroline Brettell. Pearson, 1995, pp. 57–86. ISBN: 9780130794277.
7 | Theoretical Frames |
Hahn, Robert A. "The Role of Society and Culture in Sickness and Healing." In Sickness and Healing: An Anthropological Perspective. Yale University Press, 1996, pp. 76–98. ISBN: 9780300068719. Lock, Margaret, and Nancy Scheper-Hughes. "The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology." In Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology. Edited by Peter Brown. McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages, 2009, pp. 208–24. ISBN: 9780073405384. Katz, Pearl. "Ritual in the Operating Room." Ethnology 20, no. 4 (1981): 335–50.
8 | Meaning, Medicine, and Illness |
Moerman, Daniel, and Wayne Jonas. "Deconstructing the Placebo Effect and Finding the Meaning Response." In Health and Healing in Comparative Perspective. Edited by Elizabeth Whitaker. Pearson, 2006, pp. 340–7. ISBN: 9780131273832. Obeyesekere, Gananath. "Depression, Buddhism and the Work of Culture in Sri Lanka." In Culture and Depression: Studies in the Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Psychiatry of Affect and Disorder. Edited by Arthur Kleinman and Byron J. Good. University of California Press, 1986, pp. 134–52. ISBN: 9780520058835. [Preview with Google Books] Jackson, Jean. "Pain and Bodies." In A Companion to the Anthropology of the Body and Embodiment. Edited by Frances Mascia-Lees. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp. 370–87. ISBN: 9781405189491.
9 | The Institution(s) of Medicine I |
Hahn, Robert A. "Biomedicine as a Cultural System." In Sickness and Healing: An Anthropological Perspective. Yale University Press, 1996, pp. 131–72. ISBN: 9780300068719. Begin [Luhrmann]. pp. 3–24.
10 | The Institution(s) of Medicine II |
Hahn, Robert A. "A World of Internal Medicine: Portrait of an Internist." In Sickness and Healing: An Anthropological Perspective. Yale University Press, 1996, pp. 173–208. ISBN: 9780300068719. [Luhrmann]. pp. 25–83.
11 | The Institution(s) of Medicine III |
[Luhrmann]. pp. 84–118. Gordon, David Paul. "Hospital Slang for Patients: Crocks, Gomers, Gorks, and others." Language in Society 12, no. 2 (1983): 173-85.
12 | The Institution(s) of Medicine IV | [Luhrmann]. pp. 119–202. |
13 | The Institution(s) of Medicine V | [Luhrmann]. pp. 203–65. |
14 | The Institution(s) of Medicine VI |
[Luhrmann]. pp. 266–93. Dumit, Joseph. "When Explanations Rest: 'Good-Enough' Brain Science and the New Socio-medical Disorders." In Living and Working with the New Medical Technologies: Intersections of Inquiry. Edited by Margaret Lock, Allan Young, and Alberto Cambrosio. Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 209–32. ISBN: 9780521652100.
15 | The Institution(s) of Medicine VII |
Rosenhan, David L. et al. "On Being Sane in Insane Places." Science 179 (1973): 250-8. Rhodes, Lorna. "Dreaming of Psychiatric Citizenship: A Case Study of Supermax Confinement." In A Reader in Medical Anthropology: Theoretical Trajectories, Emergent Realities. Edited by Byron Good, et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp. 181–98. ISBN: 9781405183147. Hahn, Robert A. "Between Two Worlds: Physicians as Patients." In Sickness and Healing: An Anthropological Perspective. Yale University Press, 1996, pp. 234–61. ISBN: 9780300068719.
16 | Health, Disease and Healing in the Larger Social Context I |
Payer, Lynn. "Borderline Cases: Medical Practice and National Culture." The Sciences (1990): 285–8. Rajan, Kaushik Sunder. "Experimental Values: Indian Clinical Trials and Surplus Health". In A Reader in Medical Anthropology: Theoretical Trajectories, Emergent Realities. Edited by Byron Good, et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp. 377–88. ISBN: 9781405183147. Petryna, Adriana. "Globalizing Human Subjects Research." In Global Pharmaceuticals: Ethics, Markets, Practices. Edited by Adriana Petryna, et al. Duke University Press Books, 2006, pp. 33–60. ISBN: 9780822337416.
17 | Health, Disease and Healing in the Larger Social Context II | [Farmer]. pp. 1–94. |
18 | Health, Disease and Healing in the Larger Social Context III | [Farmer]. pp. 95–176. |
19 | Health, Disease and Healing in the Larger Social Context IV | [Farmer]. pp. 177–264. |
20 | Health, Disease and Healing in the Larger Social Context V |
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy. "Min(d)ing the Body: On the Trail of Organ-Stealing Rumors." In Exotic No More: Anthropology on the Front Lines. Edited by Jeremy MacClancy. The University of Chicago Press, 2002, pp. 33–63. ISBN: 9780226500133. [Preview with Google Books] Sanal, Aslihan. "Robin Hood of Techno-Turkey, or Organ Trafficking in the State of Ethical Beings." In A Reader in Medical Anthropology: Theoretical Trajectories, Emergent Realities. Edited by Byron Good, et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp. 300–18. ISBN: 9781405183147. Cohen, Lawrence. "Where it Hurts: Indian Material for an Ethics of Organ Transplantation." In A Reader in Medical Anthropology: Theoretical Trajectories, Emergent Realities. Edited by Byron Good, et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp. 284–99. ISBN: 9781405183147.
21 | Stigma, Responsibility, and Blame |
Waxler, Nancy. "Learning to be a Leper: A case study in the Social Construction of Illness." In Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology. Edited by Peter Brown and Ron Barrett. McGraw-Hill Humanities, 2009, pp. 147–57. ISBN: 9780073405384. [Originally in Mishler, et al. Social Contexts of Health, Illness, and Patient Care. CUP Archive, 1981, pp. 169–92. ISBN: 9780521280341. [Preview with Google Books]. Farquhar, Judith. "Market Magic: Getting Rich and Getting Personal in Medicine after Mao." American Ethnologist 23, no. 2, (1996): 239–57. Landecker, Hannah. "Immortality, in Vitro: A History of the HeLa Cell Line." In A Reader in Medical Anthropology: Theoretical Trajectories, Emergent Realities. Edited by Byron Good, et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp. 353–66. ISBN: 9781405183147.
22 | The Challenge of Chronic Illness |
Murphy, Robert. "The Damaged Self." In Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology. Edited by Peter Brown and Ron Barrett. McGraw-Hill Humanities, 2009, pp. 322–32. ISBN: 9780073405384. García, Angela. "The Elegiac Addict: History, Chronicity, and the Melancholic Subject." In A Reader in Medical Anthropology: Theoretical Trajectories, Emergent Realities. Edited by Byron Good, et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp. 522–39. ISBN: 9781405183147.
23 | New Reproductive Technologies |
Inhorn, Marcia. "Quest for Conception: Gender, Infertility, and Egyptian Medical Traditions." In A Reader in Medical Anthropology: Theoretical Trajectories, Emergent Realities. Edited by Byron Good, et al. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp. 319–26. ISBN: 9781405183147. Rapp, Rayna. "Constructing Amniocentesis: Maternal and Medical Discourses." In Situated Lives: Gender and Culture in Everyday Life. Edited by Louise Lamphere, Helena Ragone, and Patricia Zavella. Routledge, 1997, pp. 128–41. ISBN: 9780415918077. [Preview with Google Books]. Cussins, Charis. "Ontological Choreography: Agency for Women Patients in an Infertility Clinic." In Differences in Medicine: Unraveling Practices, Techniques, and Bodies. Edited by Marc Berg and Annemarie Mol. Duke University Press Books, 1998, pp. 166–201. ISBN: 9780822321743. [Preview with Google Books]
24 | New Medical Technologies | [Sharp]. pp. 1–100. |
25 | Student Presentations | [Sharp]. pp. 101–205. |
26 | Student Presentations (cont.) | [Sharp]. 206–42. |