[PV] = Proctor, Robert W., and Trisha Van Zandt. Human Factors in Simple and Complex Systems. 2nd ed. CRC Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780805841190. [Preview with Google Books]
[DBL] = Dismukes, R. Key, Benjamin A. Berman, and Loukia D. Loukopoulos. The Limits of Expertise: Rethinking Pilot Error and the Causes of Airline Accidents. Ashgate Publishing, 2007. ISBN: 9780754649656. [Preview with Google Books]
1 | Introduction and vision I | Chapters 1, 4 and 5 in [PV]. | National Transport Safety Bureau. Eastern Air Lines, Inc., L-1011, N310EA, Miami, Florida, December 29, 1972. Report: AAR73-14, 1973. (![]() |
2 | Vision II | Chapter 6 in [PV]. | "Delta 554—Undershot Landing at LaGuardia." Case 18 in [DBL], pp. 233–46. |
3 | Space bioastronautics | Charles, John B., Maneesh Arya, and Craig E. Kundrot. "Use of International Space Station to Simulate Interplanetary Transit: Human Health and Performance Applicability of Current Increment Durations and Extended Durations." NASA, February 2011. (![]() | |
4 | Research methods I | Chapter 2 in [PV]. | "American 1420—Pressing the Approach." Case 19 in [DBL], pp. 247–74. |
5 | Research methods II |
![]() | "Flightcrew-Related Accident Data: Comparison of the 1978–1990 and 1991–2001." Case 20 in [DBL], pp. 275–88. |
6 | Vestibular/spatial disorientation | National Transportation Safety Board. NYC99MA178: Brief of Report, 2000. (![]() | |
7 | Displays |
Chapter 8 in [PV]. Chandra, Divya C., Michelle Yeh, Vic Riley, and Susan J. Mangold. Section 2.4 in Human Factors Considerations in the Design and Evaluation of Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs). Version 2. U.S. Office of Aviation Research, September 2003. (choose 3–5 topics to read) ( | |
8 | Space human factors |
![]() | Ellis, Stephen R. "Collision in Space." Ergonomics in Design 8, no. 1 (2000): 4–9. |
9 | Manual control I |
![]() | |
10 | Manual control II |
![]() | "FedEx 14—Pilot-Induced Oscillations in the Landing Flare." Case 6 in [DBL], pp. 85–94. |
11 | PIO and Cooper Harper | Chapter 3 in [PV]. | "Continental 1943—Gear-Up Landing in Houston." Case 9 in [DBL], pp. 109–30. |
12 | Handling qualities | Chapter 10 in [PV]. | |
13 | Space physiology | ||
14 | Auditory | Chapter 7 in [PV]. | National Transportation Safety Board. NW Airlines, Inc., Flights 1482 and 299 Runway Incursion and Collision Detroit Metropolitan/Wayne County Airport Romulus, Michigan, December 3, 1990. Report: AAR91-05, 1990. (![]() |
15 | Automaton, situation, awareness |
Billings, Charles E. "Issues Concerning Human-Centered Intelligent Systems: What's "Human-Centered" and What's the Problem?" Talk by Charles Billings, 1997.
| "American 903—Loss of Control at Altitude." Case 15 in [DBL], pp. 197–212. |
16 | Flight deck automation working group |
The Interfaces Between Flightcrews and Modern Flight Deck Systems. Human Factors Team, Federal Aviation Administration, June 18, 1996. (![]() | Korean Air Lines Flight 007. Wikipedia. |
17 | Decision making; FAA regulations | Chapter 11 in [PV]. | |
18 | Attention/workload | Chapter 9 in [PV]. | "American 1572—Accumulation of Small Errors." Case 3 in [DBL], pp. 37–50. |
19 | Fatigue/circadian rhythms | The Effects of Commuting on Pilot Fatigue. Committee on the Effects of Commuting on Pilot Fatigue, National Research Council, 2011. | National Transporation Safety Board. Controlled Flight into Terrain, Korean Air Flight 801. Report: AAR00-01, 1997. (![]() |
20 | Anthropometry/environmental ergonomics | Chapters 16–17 in [PV]. | "Simmons 3641—Over the Gates and into Forbidden Territory." Case 16 in [DBL], pp. 213–22. |
21 | Response selection and control of movement | Chapter 15 in [PV], pp. 341–59 and 367–82. | "American 102—Runway Excursion After Landing." Case 10 in [DBL], pp. 131–42. |
22 | Automobile HF | Driver Distraction: A Review of the Current State-of-Knowledge. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation, April 2008. | National Transportation Safety Board. Ford Explorer Sport Collision with Ford Windstar Minivan and Jeep Grand Cherokee on Interstate 95/495 Near Largo, Maryland, February 1, 2002. Report: HAR03-02, 2003. |