Click on the audio file after each word or phrase to hear it pronounced. All pronunciation recordings for this section are available to download here: (ZIP - 2.5MB) (This ZIP file contains: 28 .mov files.)
Section A
namae ("name") → なまえ (MOV)
niku ("meat") → にく (MOV)
hune ("boat") → ふね (MOV)
hana ("flower") → はな (MOV)
hitotu ("one unit") → ひとつ (MOV)
kimono ("kimono") → きもの (MOV)
huyu ("winter") → ふゆ (MOV)
inu ("dog") → いぬ (MOV)
musume ("daughter") → むすめ (MOV)
mimi ("ear") → みみ (MOV)
Section B
nomimasu. ("[I] drink.") → のみます。(MOV)
tabemasenka. ("Won't [you] eat [some]?") → たべませんか。(MOV)
iya, simasen. ("No, [I] don't do [it].") → いや、しません。(MOV)
sumimasen. ("I'm sorry.") → すみません。(MOV)
dekimasitayo. ("[It] is finished.") → できましたよ。(MOV)
wakarimasitane. ("[You] undertood, didn't [you].") → わかりましたね。(MOV)
Section C
やま ("mountain") (MOV)
かみ ("paper") (MOV)
やさしい ("easy") (MOV)
はなします("to speak") (MOV)
のみます ("to drink") (MOV)
ひと ("people") (MOV)
かいもの ("shopping") (MOV)
まいにち ("every day") (MOV)
ねむい ("sleepy") (MOV)
ふたつ ("two units" ) (MOV)
ほか("other") (MOV)
へた ("unskillful") (MOV)
[Listening #1]
[Listening #3]