Gavel. (Photograph by Daniel Bersak.)
Prof. Joshua Cohen
Prof. Thomas Scanlon
Prof. Amartya Sen
MIT Course Number
17.000J / 24.611J
As Taught In
Spring 2003
Course Description
Course Highlights
This course includes a lengthy reading list and lecture notes.
Course Description
This course explores the foundations and content of norms of justice that apply beyond the borders of a single state. We examine issues of political justice, economic justice, and human rights. Topics include the case for skepticism about global justice; the idea of global democracy; intellectual property rights; the nature of distributive justice at the global level; pluralism and human rights; and rights to control borders. It meets jointly with Harvard's Philosophy 271, and is taught by Professors Joshua Cohen, Thomas Scanlon, and Amartya Sen. Readings are from Kant, Habermas, Rawls, Sen, Beitz, Nussbaum, Stiglitz, Ignatieff, Walzer, among others.