Concert Series 1: FiLmprov


Description: This concert video includes a opening music improvisation, followed by a short excerpt of a film with improvised music accompaniment.

Music by Mark Harvey, Peter Bloom, Phil Scarff, Dan Zupan, John Funkhouser, and Jerry Leake.

Film (excerpt): Yorick Follies © 2013 Kate Matson

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MARK HARVEY: Good evening everybody. My name's Mark Harvey. And I'd like to welcome you to this concert. And this is the first of a whole series of concerts. I hope you have the program there, The Art of the Improvisor series. We have many fine groups coming up, including one led by Phil Scarff in about 2 1/2 weeks, over at the wall auditorium up that way a little bit, and then two more wonderful groups. This is a concert series in conjunction with a class that's going on this semester called musical improvisation. So we thought that it would be an interesting idea to have a concert series and also invite the people from the artistic groups to come into the class and present their particular approach with the students. And I see a lot of the students here, so thank you for coming out. This is great. And all you other folks, we appreciate you coming out on a cold night. It always seems to be a cold night when we do this, but we're very happy to do it. This is called FiLmprov, which means film and improvisation. And we're going to start with improvisation with our musical group, for a musical set. We'll just have a brief pause, and then we're going to have the films of Kate Manson with us, now transformed into a pit orchestra. So you'll see us in two different guises. So we hope it's not too much of a shock to see that change. So here we go. We're going to play something.