Wave behavior in the ocean. (Image courtesy of an anonymous photographer.)
Prof. Chiang Mei
Prof. Rodolfo Rosales
Prof. Triantaphyllos Akylas
MIT Course Number
2.062J / 1.138J / 18.376J
As Taught In
Fall 2006
Translated Versions
Course Description
Course Features
Course Description
This course discusses the Linearized theory of wave phenomena in applied mechanics. Examples are chosen from elasticity, acoustics, geophysics, hydrodynamics and other subjects. The topics include: basic concepts, one dimensional examples, characteristics, dispersion and group velocity, scattering, transmission and reflection, two dimensional reflection and refraction across an interface, mode conversion in elastic waves, diffraction and parabolic approximation, radiation from a line source, surface Rayleigh waves and Love waves in elastic media, waves on the sea surface and internal waves in a stratified fluid, waves in moving media, ship wave pattern, atmospheric lee waves behind an obstacle, and waves through a laminated media.
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